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PC Perspective got confirmation that the GTX 670 will eventually support 4-way SLI. In our launch review of the GeForce GTX 670 2GB graphics card this week, we had initially mentioned that these $399 graphics cards would support SLI, 3-Way SLI and even 4-Way SLI configurations thanks to the pair of SLI connections on the PCB. We received an update from NVIDIA later on that day that in fact it would NOT support 4-Way SLI.
Legit Reviews take you through the steps they performed to build their water cooled Mini-ITX SFF PC. Building a Small Form Factor Mini-ITX computer can be challenging, but it is worth the extra work as the end result can be amazing. We managed to stuff a ton of enthusiast grade hardware into a PC case that measures just 9.06" x 12.33" x 14.29" (WxHxD)!
Tech ARP have updated their Mobile CPU Comparison Guide. Currently covering 729 mobile CPUs, this comprehensive comparison will allow you to easily compare 19 different specifications for each and every CPU.
If your multi-monitor setup has irritating gaps, check out TweakTown's de-bezel modification guide. No longer did I get the fishbowl effect, or any stretching in my games. At a field-of-view of 90 in most first-person shooters, it looked like a very large single screen. I was happy with my results, until my friends saw it and noticed the bezels. For months, all I heard was "the bezels, Anthony, the bezels". Discussion here.
Everyone who's ever lost data will aggree that backups are important. While I was visiting family over the Christmas holidays, two of the three drives in the systems's RAID 5 array died. A sagging 5V rail in the PSU was to blame, and my 2TB array was toast. ... My initial response was panic.
Royalnine noticed that the first episode of the Video Game High School webseries has been released. It's a story of a young FPS player, Brian who's stuck in a town where he doesn't belong. His fortunes change when he scores a massive kill against the world's top amateur player: VGHS senior "The Law." Brian rockets into the national spotlight and lands an invite into the hallowed halls of VGHS. There his skills will be tested as he fights to fit in with the most talented gamers alive.
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