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There's a G.Skill competition running in the OC&HW forum. The OCAU HWBOT Team is hosting another competition. Show us what you are made of, bench your asses off and have a chance at winning some great enthusiast specced ram packages.
NVIDIA held their annual GPU Technology Conference recently, announcing things like virtualised GPUs and their GRID Cloud Gaming Platform. More here. You're probably not familiar with either of these 'Cloud Computing' technologies, but in the next few years they'll develop to become quite commonplace. One day in the not so distant future, you could find yourself choosing between a NVIDIA GeForce GRID subscription or NVIDIA GeForce graphics card to play the latest high-end game.
John sent in this article about Unreal Engine 4 and next-gen games. UE4 represents nothing less than the foundation for the next decade of gaming. It may make Microsoft and Sony rethink how much horsepower they’ll need for their new hardware. It will streamline game development, allowing studios to do in 12 months what can take two years or more today. And most important, it will make the videogames that have defined the past decade look like puppet shows.
TechSpot have a Diablo III Performance Test. After 11 years in the making and more setbacks than we care to count, Blizzard has finally unleashed a third installment to its cult classic dungeon crawler. Having waited over a decade, the arrival of Diablo III was a bittersweet moment for eager fans. In what must've felt like a cruel joke, missteps in Blizzard's execution prevented many users from accessing content throughout last Tuesday. While we disagree with making single player components online-only, there isn't much mere mortals like us can do about it. What we can do, however, is beat the hell out of Diablo III with today's finest hardware. Blizzard has somewhat of a reputation for making highly scalable titles that run on virtually any gaming rigs, so that's largely what we expect from the developer's latest offering.
Tech Report have some concerns about Windows 8. The problem is, Windows 8 still has that ugly schism between Metro and Desktop. You keep waltzing from one to the other and then back again, whether it's to open an application, to move documents around the file system, or to perform any other task that isn't neatly contained within a single interface. So far, it seems like Metro apps are geared solely toward content consumption, while all the productivity work still has to happen in the Desktop. And it's terribly awkward.
Tabris spotted this Commodore C64 Keytar. If you’re walking around Maker Faire you may see a woman skating around with a strange looking instrument. That’s maker extraordinaire Jeri Ellsworth with her bass guitar made out of a Commodore 64. And did I mention she’s playing it while on roller skates? That’s talent!
Concerns continue about Ivy Bridge overclocking, thanks dasuperham. eyeLikeCarrots sent in this article on ExtremeTech, who think there's a bigger issue. Lurking behind the question of whether or not removing the heat spreader matters (and it’s perfectly reasonable to think that it at least could make a difference) is an unhappy truth: Overclocking is going away, and not because Intel chose goo over solder this time around. The problem is systemic; an outgrowth of the fact that while Moore’s law still works, Dennard scaling — the rule that said smaller transistors would use proportionally less power — began breaking down years ago.
Rainey sent in a video of a recent OCAU iRacing event. Which reminds me - what's a good free/cheapish video editing program people recommend? Video editing has been a big hole in my knowledge for a while and I want to start having a crack at it. Let me know in the comments!
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