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Friday Afternoon (4 Comments) (link)
 Friday, 25-May-2012  13:25:16 (GMT +10) - by Agg

Today is apparently Geek Pride Day, aka Towel Day. Geek Pride Day is an initiative to promote geek culture, celebrated on 25 May. The date was chosen as to commemorate the release of the first Star Wars film, A New Hope on 25 May 1977 (see Star Wars Day), but shares the same date as two other similar fan "holidays": Towel Day, for fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy by Douglas Adams, and the Glorious 25 May for fans of Terry Pratchett's Discworld. Pfft, I'm always proud to be a geek!

Apple's design guru has recieved a knighthood. Ive, a softly spoken, thoughtful Brit, has worked at Apple in California since 1992, and since 1998 has been in charge of its designs. This may well make him the most influential designer in the world. In creating the iPod he unleashed a product that profoundly altered the music industry, while the iPhone is doing the same to the mobile phone industry. The most recent product from his team, the iPad, is setting the standard for an entirely new category of computer.

NASA have a new mobile app. The NASA App collects, customizes and delivers an extensive selection of dynamically updated information, images and videos from various online NASA sources in a convenient mobile package.

SiliconAngel noticed a new release of Nmap. It is the product of almost three years of work, 3,924 code commits, and more than a dozen point releases since the big Nmap 5 release in July 2009. Nmap 6 includes a more powerful Nmap Scripting Engine, 289 new scripts, better web scanning, full IPv6 support, the Nping packet prober, faster scans, and much more! We recommend that all current users upgrade.

TechSpot have an interview with Raspberry's founder. Eben Upton has had an interesting trajectory both as an entrepreneur and academic, founding a couple of startups over the last decade and a half, as well as acting as the Director of Studies in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge. Now employed at Broadcom as an SoC architect, his latest “on-the-side” venture combines a little bit of each facet and is perhaps its most ambitious yet: reignite programming in schools with a cheap ($25-$35), compact computing platform that kids could buy themselves. But despite targeting students, his foundation's tiny computer has already captured the imaginations of tinkers worldwide.

GoodGearGuide have an opinion piece about Australia's video on demand situation. Visit Netflix or Hulu though, and you'll be presented with the error messages above - these services aren't available in Australia. The closest approximation Australians have is Foxtel On Demand, at nearly 10 times the price of Hulu Plus or Netflix. Discussion here.

Scrantic sent word of Random Hacks of Kindness. Want to spend a weekend hacking for humanity? Then get involved in Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) a global community of innovators building practical open technology to make the world a better place. On the weekend of June 2 and 3, Melbourne will be a main city stage host of RHoK. This two day global event aims to develop technology solutions to address the impact of natural disasters, emergency response and climate change (among other global issues!)

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