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Wednesday Night
(link) Wednesday, 2-October-2013 20:39:00 (GMT +10) - by Grec
Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, is continuing the process of retiring soon. At the employee meeting yesterday Ballmer said this farewell wasn't about him, it was about the company. "It's about a company that is important, it's forward thinking, it's innovative," he said. Check out the link for a video of his farewell speech.
There has been a recent language study on Facebook of what we talk about - and according to the University of Pennsylvania, the vast majority of us are stereotypes. In general, women's Facebook talk centers around shopping, clothes, hair, and running away to Bermuda. (Actually, that last one may merely have been my own observation.) Men, on the other hand, talk about sports, war, gaming, sports, war, war gaming ... and breasts. More or less.
The launch of Grand Theft Auto V online has brought the usual day one launch issues, with players complaining of being locked out and connection issues. Rockstar Games itself predicted a buggy arrival for its game's online counterpart and said it bought new servers ahead of time to support the predicted demand, but on Tuesday players looking to commit online break-ins and heists were all but locked out.
Minecraft has recently been blamed for a 9 year old child bringing a steak knife, a sledgehammer, and a handgun to school. The boy's father reports that the gun could never be fired, as its firing pin had been removed, but that didn't stop the 9yr old from knowing where the firearm - and the magazine full of bullets - could be found.
Gizmodo has an amazing time lapse of Iceland - for some stunning footage, head here.
Whilst we're on the subject of giant frozen wastes, three bottles of rare, 19th century scotch has recently been recovered from, and then returned to, Antarctica. Bottled in 1898 after the blend was aged 15 years, the Mackinlay bottles were among three crates of Scotch and two of brandy buried beneath a basic hut Shackleton had used during his dramatic 1907 Nimrod excursion to the Antarctic.
The 24th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland has seen the presentation of the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance, which focus on the framework for assessing state surveillance in the context of international law and human rights norms. In summary, the Principles are legality, legitimate aim, necessity, adequacy, proportionality, judicial authority, and due process. They also consider user notification, transparency, public oversight, integrity of communications and systems as well as safeguards, both for international cooperation and against illegitimate access.
A Driver fix for CrossFire + Eyefinity/4K frame pacing issues will be coming this fall according to Raja Koduri, the new head of graphics hardware and software development at AMD. Koduri said that AMD is working on a fix for CrossFire and single-large-surface display configurations, like Eyefinity and tiled 4K monitors, for current Radeon graphics cards. He said AMD plans to deliver a driver with the fix this fall.
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