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The infamous online black market, known has the Silk Road, has been shut down by the FBI. The only currency the Silk Road took was the Bitcoin - the value of which has been falling since the bust. An online marketplace founded in 2011, Silk Road facilitated commerce in illegal goods and services, including drugs, counterfeit currency and hacking services, with payments processed in the digital currency Bitcoin. Perhaps not coincidentally, the price of Bitcoin fell to about $US119 on Thursday, down from $US145 at the end of September.
Japan has started a pro hacker campaign, in order to hire more for their cyber security program. Japan needs about 80,000 more information security engineers than it currently has, while more than 160,000 of the 265,000 already involved in the service need further education, a government panel of experts on information security said in a long-term strategy it compiled in June to enhance the nation's capacity to deal with cyberwarfare.
Five of the new PlayStation 4 games have been shown at the Sydney EB Expo, ahead of the November 29 launch date for the console. Last night, we got some hands-on time with five PlayStation 4 games that will be available around the time of launch. (inFAMOUS Second Son is more of a Feb 2014 game). It was a surprisingly eclectic bunch, ranging from obligatory “AAA” sequels to bizarro indie concoctions.
Facebook has decided that finding housing in the Silicon Valley is pretty hard - So they've decided to build a $120 million 394-unit housing community within walking distance of Facebook's offices. Surprisingly a spokesperson for the company said employee retention was not the goal of this little venture."We're certainly excited to have more housing options closer to campus, but we believe that people work at Facebook because what they do is rewarding and they believe in our mission," she said.
Russia has announced that during the Winter Olympics in Sochi, they plan to have the FSB security service monitor ALL forms of communication from both spectators and athletes alike. Government procurement documents and tenders from Russian communication companies indicate that newly installed telephone and internet spying capabilities will give the FSB free rein to intercept any telephony or data traffic and even track the use of sensitive words or phrases mentioned in emails, webchats and on social media.
A Texas based company has released it's own ARM-based processors into the Arduino market, aimed at tinkerers, experimentalists, and hardware hackers. Because ARM chips are nearly universal in the smartphone market that Intel has been struggling to penetrate, they're a top competitive concern for Intel, and TI's move means it might not be Intel's Pentium-derived Quark chips that hobbyists end up with when looking for their next widget.
Speaking of hacking, Adobe's had the source code for Adobe Acrobat, Cold Fusion and other products stolen. In a blog post, Adobe Chief Security Officer Brad Arkin wrote:“Our investigation currently indicates that the attackers accessed Adobe customer IDs and encrypted passwords on our systems. We also believe the attackers removed from our systems certain information relating to 2.9 million Adobe customers, including customer names, encrypted credit or debit card numbers, expiration dates, and other information relating to customer orders. At this time, we do not believe the attackers removed decrypted credit or debit card numbers from our systems.”
Some good news for all Doctor Who fans, 106 long lost episodes have been uncovered in Ethiopia. It was feared the BBC ¬programmes from the 1960s – featuring the first two doctors William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton – had vanished for all time after the Beeb flogged off a load of old footage. But after months of ¬detective work the tapes have been unearthed at the Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency. Doctor Who marathon, anyone?
Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano has been taking photos from more than 420km above the Earth's surface, and the results are pretty spectacular. Check out his Twitter feed here for more photos.
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