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Tuesday Evening (5 Comments) (link)
 Tuesday, 8-October-2013  18:58:20 (GMT +10) - by Grec

An interesting study from the University of South Florida has shown that red light cameras increase the number of accidents at intersections by 28%. The 2008 study found that they increase crashes and injuries as drivers attempt to abruptly stop at camera intersections. If used in Florida, cameras could potentially create even worse outcomes due to the state’s high percent of elderly who are more likely to be injured or killed when a crash occurs.

Whilst we're looking at studies, another from the London School of Economics and Political Science has found that piracy may be helping the entertainment community, rather than hurting it. While the entertainment industry lobbyists continue to state that piracy is hurting the industry, it isn’t uncommon to hear that it is actually doing the opposite. Author Neil Gaiman for example, noticed that when he was pirated, sales of his books went up. After releasing his book “American Gods” for free and letting new readers discover him, his sales spiked by 300% the following month.

Internet freedom is on the decline, according to 2013 Freedom on the Net report. Iran, Cuba, China and Syria were ranked as countries with the greatest restrictions. China, which blocks millions of websites and employs thousands-strong armies of censors, “led the way in expanding an elaborate technological apparatus for system internet censorship, while further increasing offline coercion and arrests to deter freedom of expression online.”

The New York Time have a fascinating read on the birth of the iPhone, how Jobs prepared before the launch, and Andy Grignon's story, a lead engineer at Apple - Thanks Owen for submitting this one. The auditorium where Jobs was rehearsing was off limits to all but a small group of executives. Jobs was so obsessed with leaks that he tried to have all the contractors Apple hired — from people manning booths and doing demos to those responsible for lighting and sound — sleep in the building the night before his presentation. Aides talked him out of it.

Fox News have unveiled their news room - And for some strange reason, it reminds me of Star Trek. In a video that could be mistaken for a College Humor or Saturday Night Live parody, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith walks viewers through the network's new setup, which includes workstations with 55-inch touchscreen monitors. In the video, journalists swipe through pages and apps, presumably collecting information for live reporting. "We call these BATs," Smith notes. "Big area touchscreens."

IO9 have some jaw dropping footage of Earth flying by during expeditions 28 and 29. Check out the HD version here, and head on over to the forums to discuss here. Check out the lightning in the first 20 seconds, thanks BlueRaven.

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