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Sharks within half a mile from Western Australian beaches will now automatically send a tweet out alerting you to their presence. How considerate, unless you are perhaps already in the surf.
The Sun has marked the midpoint of its Solar Cycle 24 by reversing its polarity, or "flipping upside down". At the height of each magnetic flip, the sun goes through periods of more solar activity, during which there are more sunspots, and more eruptive events such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections.
China's Lunar Rover, Yutu, has landed and commenced its journey exploring the moon, and sent this picture back to earth.
There has been some extensive testing of SSDs and some surprising results when it comes to reliability after power failures, with Intel SSDs once again coming up as the clear winner.
More detail has been released regarding NSA's surveillance capabilities. Alongside pre-packaged exploits that allowed control over iOS devices and any phone communicating through GSM, Appelbaum detailed a device that targets computers through packet injection, seeding exploits from up to 8 miles away.
Snapchat has promised to improve their security with their latest app update after the usernames and mobile numbers of 4.6 million users found their way onto the Web this week. Full story here. Somehow I think it was more the Snaps they were after.
With CES 2014 just a few days away, CNET have a preview on what we might expect at the event. Wearables, UHDTVs and tablets making the main headlines.
There are rumours that the next iPhone is going to be called iPhone Air, embracing a slimmer 6mm thickness, however not changing cosmetically from the iPhone 5S.
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All original content copyright James Rolfe.
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