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Some CES headlines from Tech-Report: Corsair's twin-port thumb drive has full-size and micro-USB, Micron has DDR4 info for servers and high-end desktops, and Be Quiet have a new CPU cooler which is dark and enormous.
Speaking of TR, ML sends word that their SSD Endurance test has passed the 500TB mark. Every time data is written, the physical structure of the NAND cells degrades. The cells eventually erode to the point where they become unusable, forcing SSDs to poach replacement blocks from their overprovisioned spare areas. This dynamic raises several questions. What happens when drives run out of overprovisioned area? How long does it take? And do they slow down along the way?
Mpot meanwhile spotted this Raspberry Pi tablet project on Makezine. It seems that every day a manufacturer comes out with a new tablet computer. Thinner, lighter, faster, but it seems that they all look about the same and accomplish roughly the same things. When I set out to build my Raspberry Pi tablet I wanted something different. I wanted an all-in-one system that was usable, portable, and Linux based. Additionally, it had to look good. Since I wanted to use it on flights the device couldn’t freak out the TSA or the old lady sitting next to me.
The Obama Administration have extended the life of the ISS out to at least 2024.
Wired have an interesting week in Photography, including a map of the most photographed regions of the world. The map accounts for the top 15,000 most photographed locations in Google’s Panorimo service, where users can submit geotagged photographs for inclusion in Google Earth. New York tops the list, but even a cursory glance shows that Europe is absolutely ablaze with shutter clicks. Locations are viewable down to street level, and are ranked based on the number of shots within a few square miles of the center of a given location.
IBM's Watson is headed for new things, not just winning gameshows. Using natural language capabilities and analytics, Watson processes information akin to how people think, allowing it to quickly analyze and interpret large amounts of data. IBM said it has shrunk Watson to the size of three stacked pizza boxes from its original size of a master bedroom.
Here's a strange one - to find if there are any time travellers on social media, thanks JC. Time travelers on social media beware: you may slip up and post information well ahead of its time. One research study out of Michigan Technological University has sought to uncover undercover travelers who exist among us in our digital present.
On a related note, here's a fun Google Maps Easter Egg. Click the double arrows on the road..
Finally, here's a very cool video of a FPS based on forced perspective. Hard to explain, but check it out!
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