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Monday Afternoon (5 Comments) (link)
 Monday, 20-February-2017  17:38:58 (GMT +10) - by Agg

The NSW Police are expressing concerns about a GTA Mod that skins vehicles and people as NSW Police. In one of the more bizarre things to happen this week, NSW Police Minister Troy Grant has gone on national television to complain about a seven year old mod for Grand Theft Auto 4. The minister, who starred in the Channel Seven evening news last night, complained that a mod (written by "underground computer geeks", according to journalist Mike Duffy) that adds NSW Police vehicles and officers into the game was "peverse". The modders explained why they made it, thanks Axeman.

Village Roadshow continue their push to get piracy sites banned. Site blocking is the first stage of a five point program, which Village outlined this morning. The company will work on “Google take-downs and site ranking demotions” and a “major PR campaign”, it said. “Availability of legal product” and “suing infringers” would follow. Surely "availability of legal content" should be #1 not #4? #5 seems to also be on the way, with suing individuals apparently coming soon. Discussion continues here.

TechARP report from the Samsung Forum 2017. Yesterday, Samsung kicked off Samsung Forum 2017 in sunny Singapore. We were amongst the lucky few to receive an exclusive invitation to the Samsung Forum 2017. Join us as we reveal what Samsung has in store for consumer electronics in 2017!

Superfast internet from the NBN may not be quite so superfast after all. While a download speed of 20 Mbps is faster than the 15 Mbps he could get using ADSL, it is much less than 100 Mbps he is paying for. It is also not consistent.

HWSecrets have an interesting article about what Watson has been up to since winning Jeopardy. In 2011 IBM’s supercomputer won a game of Jeopardy against two of Jeopardy’s greatest champions. That brought the name IBM’s Watson to the forefront of the computer world. That was, however, just the beginning. Watson’s story is both fast-moving and unique.

Mark Zuckerberg posted a lengthy manifesto about Facebook and the global community. Today we are close to taking our next step. Our greatest opportunities are now global -- like spreading prosperity and freedom, promoting peace and understanding, lifting people out of poverty, and accelerating science. Our greatest challenges also need global responses -- like ending terrorism, fighting climate change, and preventing pandemics. Progress now requires humanity coming together not just as cities or nations, but also as a global community. People aren't quite sure what to make of it, but there's coverage on ArsTechnica, TheGuardian and TechCrunch. Discussion here.

This from DJ-Hippster: Just stumbled upon a new YouTuber who’s doing some neat work creating some mini documentaries based on the history of some speed run times. Check out the videos on Super Mario Bros, Super Mario 64 – 120 Star and Super Mario World.

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