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Thursday Afternoon (2 Comments) (link)
 Thursday, 7-December-2017  16:09:11 (GMT +10) - by Agg

There's been a lot of buzz lately about NiceHash, a service which lets you get involved in crypto mining relatively easily - but unfortunately they've been hacked overnight, with over $60M USD in bitcoin stolen. Posting on social media, NiceHash said that "there has been a security breach involving NiceHash website" resulting in a loss of funds. NiceHash, formed in 2014, serves as a marketplace for miners to rent out their hash rate to others. The announcement follows an hours-long outage and reports from a multitude of users that their NiceHash-associated wallets had been emptied. NiceHash previously announced that it was "under maintenance," a message that it had posted to its official website as well. Discussion here.

Meanwhile, Australia's main stock exchange has embraced blockchain technology in a big way. ASX Ltd. will start using blockchain -- the ledger software that makes bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies possible -- to process equity transactions, according to a filing Thursday. Digital Asset Holdings LLC, the startup run by former JPMorgan Chase & Co. banker Blythe Masters, will supply the technology. “We’re the first exchange to consider taking this step,” said Peter Hiom, ASX deputy chief executive officer said on a media conference call.

Also in local news, the ACCC are looking into digital platforms, in what sounds like an extremely general inquiry. The Federal Government has today formally directed the ACCC to commence an inquiry into digital platform providers such as Facebook and Google. The ACCC’s inquiry will look at the effect that digital search engines, social media platforms and other digital content aggregation platforms are having on competition in media and advertising services markets.

AMD have apparently silently lowered the RX 560 spec to include RX 460-class GPUs. Spotted yesterday by Heise.de, AMD has silently lowered the specifications of the Radeon RX 560 to encompass parts with 14 CUs (896 Stream Processors), allowing them to be sold alongside standard 16 CU (1024 SP) parts. The net effect of this change is that it allows Radeon RX 460-level products to be sold as Radeon RX 560 cards. More info and a response from AMD over on GamersNexus.

Today's timewaster is Google's Santa Tracker, with a discussion thread here.

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