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Chris over at TerabytePC has a new article up, with some CPU price curves. He also wants people to let him know what they think of the new design. I preferred the old one.. [shrug]
TE have gazed into their crystal ball and made some predictions about Willamette vs the new Athlons here.
ClubOC have reviewed the Gigabyte GA-6VX7-4X mobo. It's another Apollo Pro 133A jobbie with an FC-PGA socket.
Forgot to post this yesterday, the Register in usual style, the article is titled "Intel to cut prices on non-existent boxed chips".. :)
May as well kick Intel while they're down, a meeting where Intel tried to pursuade DRAM makers to make more RDRAM went quite badly for them..
FrostyTech have an interesting article up, measuring the surface flatness of an athlon to see if it's worthwhile lapping.
PCHardware in Romania have reviewed the DFI PW65-E mobo. This is an i810-based board, Slot1.
InsaneOC have fallen out of a time-warp clutching a BX motherboard comparison.. oh, how nineties. :) BX is still good if you can get your system happening around it, also Celly2's will revive this chipset I bet..
PCStats have reviewed a teeny-tiny DVD drive here. Speaking of which, I rang 6 shops yesterday looking for someone who had a name-brand DVD-ROM drive in stock. How many did? Zero! Apparently there's a major shortage of lots of stuff in Oz at the moment..
Win a 2CoolPC cooler by artificially inflating a website's pageview count here.. :) Speaking of which, 116,000 so far this week here - I'm stunned, it's going to be another record week, thanks guys!
If you've got a spare old machine lying around, it's always fun to install Linux on it. If that machine happens to be a socking great mainframe, don't despair, you can still do it! Slashdot had a thing on this a couple of months ago, but it's still an amazing concept.
Dan has reviewed the Leadtek Winfast GeForce2 GTS card. Pretty much as you'd expect, it's mind-wobblingly fast.
IBM has issued a recall on certain models of power adapters for their Thinkpad range of laptops. The reason? Oh, nothing major.. they just burst into flames from time to time. :)
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