OCAU News |
A bunch of people sent in the news that Telstra made an announcement about their ADSL service today, you can now check to see if your area will be included in the August trial..
A bunch more people let me know that the Detonator 2 drivers are out now for NVIDIA's cards.. get them from here but it looks like their server is down for now, too much load I suspect. Hmm, their webfiles end in .nsf, don't tell me they're using Domino to serve their site? Anyways, I had a look at these drivers, they look like they're based on 5.22.. cool.
UPDATE: Working mirror here.
BXBoards got the scoop with the first review of an i815 board. Time to change the domain name guys! :) Anyway, it's the Abit SE6, reviewed here .. a hint: the word "slothful" is present.
They've also checked out the Plextor Plexwriter 12/4/32 SCSI CDRW .. 12X CD-R! Wow.
ThoughtShell [hmm] have reviewed the Gigabyte GA-7VM, it's a KX133 Athlon mobo..
Text in German, but good pics here of converting an Alpha P7125 (Athlon cooler) to a PPGA peltier cooler..
TweakTown have put up a GeForce Overclocking guide, focussing on using PowerStrip..
Intel slashed their prices, but the K7-700 is still cheaper than the P3-550E.. in the US, at any rate.
GU checked out the Zip 250.. and didn't like it much.
Heh, technical people going to microwave oven training .. :)
Intel have made it official, they're moving away from mendocino support. i815 hasn't got it, apparently.. :(
G3D have reviewed a 55W peltier kit..
Dan checked out the Asus V7700. He wasn't exactly blown off his feet by the awesome wonderfulness of it.. a good read as always.
Mr Bill sent this in, Hitachi's new 1GB flash PCMCIA card.. wow! They also have a 448MB CompactFlash card.. my digital camera would store over 1500 pictures at maximum quality level, 1024x768, on one of those.. :)
I've no idea what this does, but it's described as a kinda volume control for Maxtor hard drives.. must adjust the timing or something to make them quieter? I said I don't know, ok? :)
InsaneHardware have reviewed a Seagate UDMA/66 drive, 28GB, 7200rpm, fully buzzword-compliant. :)
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