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Tuesday Night #2
(link) Tuesday, 6-June-2000 22:22:49 (GMT +10) - by Agg
BTW, Optus had a major bearer severed (again) today, so if you can't get to some sites or are finding it slow, that's probably why.
ArsTechnica are getting all excited about the prospect of an "Open" PlayStation2.
Bigass fans at the TechZone.
CardCooler shootout at JSI Hardware. Nice fuzzy photos, yergh, but interesting comparison of the different types out there.
Dan, ever the master of sarcasm, has reviewed a pen scanner .. you know, run it along text and it OCR's it for you. Neato, but not cheapo.
Wow. If you've read Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon (great book BTW), then this will be very spooky to you.. a bunch of cypherpunks have made a sensitive-data-haven in a remote, tiny country..
PCExtreme have reviewed a TVM 19" monitor.
GlideUnderground have reviewed the QuickCam Pro USB..
CTNews checked out the Hercules Prophet II GTS..
TweakTown also sent word of a new Kryotech press release involving the funky new Athlons.. mmm!
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