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Wednesday Night
(link) Wednesday, 7-June-2000 23:01:02 (GMT +10) - by Agg
Silly X-Files tonight. :)
Guru3D have an interview with 3DFX's head PR guy ..
Darkstar sent word of a bizarre webpage/mobile phone virus..
Hey, a review of Daikatana that doesn't just say "IT SUCKS" in big letters.. they managed to wait until page 5 before telling you to buy something (anything) else. I want to see a copy of this game, I just can't fathom something this terrible. :)
Kadzy from the forums has written up a couple of things he thinks you'll find useful.. firstly "How to build a water-cooler" and secondly "How to make a fanbus".. cool.
Ooh, faster than light, faster than light! Not just a bit faster, but 300 times faster. Thanks Scott!
TE have a thing up about ATA-100.
OCWorkbench have a fair bit of stuff up from Computex2000 in Taiwan.
The scoopsters over at InsaneHardware have pics of Willamette this is Intel's 7th generation core..
Hexus.com have a review of the Soyo SY-7VCA .. this is an Apollo Pro 133A mainboard, Socket370.
JC's has some very interesting info about multiplier locking (and the defeat thereof) on the new AMD chips..
HotHardware have checked out the Elsa Gladiac now.. GeForce2, 32MB DDR.
Arne let me know that MadOnion.com, makers of super-funky benchmark 3DMark2000, are giving stuff away..
TE think June is going to be a big month in the hardware scene..
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