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Bit of a rant here on CTNews about the cost of being on the bleeding edge.
Couple of P3V4X-related things on Overclockers.com - firstly, slocket seem to play a part in the false temp readings .. also they have a user's experience with cooling the clockgen chip.
TweakMax discovered that raising the VIO voltage let them overclock their V3 higher. So that's what that little jumper is for..
General editorial roundup article over at PCCritix.
FastPC-UK have an article up about cracking open your Athlon.. I think this is the only article I've seen that shows the correct way to get the heatplate clips off.
HardCoreWare have some golden orbage action happening.
Dan's got some good news about Thunderbirds..
Geronimo2000 (?) have an article on using WCPREDIT to tweak your BX board..
Actually, on their home page, they have the solution to something that's been irritating me for ages about MS O/S's.. no filename completion in DOS boxes! Why can't you type a bit of the filename then hit TAB to get the full thing, like you can in dang near any UNIX machine? Well.. according to the info on that page (not tested it yet), in Win2K you can, by making a little registry modification. Cool.
Finally, here's a little Sunday morning brainteaser for you in the forums. :) Blame YYK.
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