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Sunda... Monday Night (0 Comments) (link)
 Monday, 12-June-2000  23:22:18 (GMT +10) - by Agg

Public holidays always confuse my internal clock. :) Hope you all had a good one, shame about the weather in Sydney..

Interesting article from the ArsMasters, an interview with the ex-editor of a PC/Gaming print magazine..

FiringSquid have put up the second part of their "How Memory Works" article ..

Alright! A contest that favours Australians! Go TweakTown! .. you need some artistic ability.. soo.. aww, crap.

JC has an article up, AMD - A year ago today" .. they announced the Athlon. Interesting read, touches on Athlon's roots in the DEC Alpha processor, something I've read about before.

Dastardly Dan is double-dipping! But I'll let him get away with it. He's updated his Thunderbird article.. he suddenly remembered the whole GFD thing, from the looks of it. :)

OCManila have taken a P3-700E to 1GHz.

There may or may not have been another earthquake in Taiwan. Winbond felt it but nobody else seems to have..?

MWP pointed out this guy in the forums.. I read it and was severely humbled at just how hardcore I am not. Amazing stuff.

My quest for Linux-based winbond-monitoring may be at an end, BF pointed out this, also in the forums. Looks good, will check into it..
Morgan sent along some interesting info from iXBT.. Tyan announcing a motherboard with DDR266 SDRAM support (!), among other things..

OCMax have a review of the Creative GeForce2 GTS video card.. mmmm.

Win stuff over at BigFoot .. you have to pay shipping.. sheesh.

iXBT have also checked out the Voodoo5-5500 .. not too fast but visuals are good.

TweakTown have a GeForce2 GTS Overclocking Guide up.. as if they're not fast enough already.. what am I saying?!

PCExtremes have reviewed a thermal warning device that will alert you if you ever accidentally leave a hairdryer pointed into your case. Okey dokey. Thanks guys.

CPUBurn have checked out the FKP-32 and IStormII.. details here ..

JSI have reviewed the Soltek SL65KV motherboard.. their site's as slow as hell so I can't see what it is. I imagine you stick a CPU into it somewhere.

ChipOnline have reviewed a Sony 8x4x32 CD-RW.

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