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Hmm, got that "forgot something important today" feeling..
Hey, there's going to be a Russian Space Shuttle sitting on a pier in Sydney Harbour.. (checks watch) nope, not April 1st, they must be serious .. [??]
HardOCP have discovered a new videocard that is both cheapish and fastish. Cool.
New Aussie hardware site, HardAvenue .. they certainly have the largest buttons in the industry.
PCCritix have a review of the Leufken Alpha P3125 Peltier PIII cooler..
Hey, this is cool. Jabber is an open-source ICQ -AND- AOL IM client.. and can be configured to work with other instant-message systems, too..
ArsTechnia have checked out the Soyo SY-6VCA. They certainly slap it around a bit on the first page.. sucky layout indeed.
AthlonOC have reviewed another KX133 motherboard, this time the Soyo SY-K7VIA..
Weird 3D-LCD review on freaky-backgrounded site here ..
If you were AMD, kickass-CPU manufacturer extraordinaire, you think you'd be able to crank out some pretty decent heatsinks, yes? Well, actually, you'd get someone else to make them for you.. and that someone else might make other heatsinks and sell them separately.. and this site has reviewed one! In German.. but you can still look at the pictures and graphs, ja ja.
3DFX must've fixed the probs with the Voodoo5, because they're apparently on sale in the UK now.
Dan's been playing with a little projector from Acer..
Woo! Is this the first major sign of the restrictions placed on MicroSoft? IBM have announced that Linux is now a standard option on their laptops..
HardwareCorner has a socket cooler shootout ..
PCStats have reviewed a KX133 board from Gigabyte.. the GA-7VM.
Coupla interesting things on AnandTech.. firstly a roundup of the chipsets on display at Computex2000.. also a High End Systems recommendations guide..
Whoops, missed this on Anand's site a few days ago too, the Creative Annihilator 2 ... mmmm, 2 gigatexels.. [rubs nipples]
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