OCAU News |
News script is getting something of a workout tonight. :) You'd think we all had nothing better to do on a friday night..
Portable watercooling rig here, very serious looking.
Overclockers.com have compiled some reader data into a cb0 survey, interesting P3 info.
VERY interesting rant from Courtney Love about the music industry.. yeah, she says, piracy is rampant - but NOT from Napster-type programs..
RAM is probably going to get more expensive.. info here and here. Jim Baker from Realtime Systems (Australian Corsair distributor) has already been advised of a 10% increase by his US supplier.. :(
AnandTech have more Computex2000 info, motherboards this time, part one and part two.
We are starting to see a bit of a backlog of content.. once the new server comes up there will be a few reviews/articles in rapid succession. Good stress-test for the new box anyway. :)
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