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Saturday Night
(link) Saturday, 17-June-2000 21:26:30 (GMT +10) - by Agg
Site seems to be intermittently available at the moment. Stick it through for a week or so then the new box will be up and things should be sweet again.
Ian pointed this out in the forums, a thread about how to recover from the dreaded "oops" in fdisk.. very useful.
TweakTown have reviewed the socket GoldenOrb.. their results show the Globalwin FKP-32 beating the Alpha PEP66 by 3.5 degrees C..? Something is not right there..
AthlonOC check out the AOpen AK72 .. nice and stable but they don't like it much.
OcMax have started a 3DMark2000 ladder .. some impressive scores.
Relive the classics with OCManila's review of the Abit BF6..
FrostyTech have some tasty Lasagna BGA cooling for you..
VR-Zone have reviewed the EPOX EP-BX7+ .. a new FC-PGA i440BX board. They like it a lot.
Seems a few people have gotten free SurgeArrests from APC, according to this thread in the forums. Cool! Now, where's mine? :)
Hmm, serious things happening behind the scene with RAM manufacturers, check out this and also (more detail) this on TechReport. Another crap product trying to be shoved down our throats in the courtroom..
G3D have reviewed the Elsa Gladiac.. GeForce2 video.
GU have reviweed the Tyan TA64-B, an FC-PGA Apollo Pro 133A motherboard..
Dan's checked out a Samsung laser printer..
HotHardware review the Soyo SY-6VCA .. an Apollo Pro 133A board.
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