OCAU News |
Thursday Night
(link) Thursday, 22-June-2000 20:02:57 (GMT +10) - by Agg
Neoseeker have put up a summary of their last few socket cooler reviews..
CPUBurn have a CD-Labeller Shootout! .. hmm, I wonder if they cover the "scribbling with a dodgy felt pen" option.
Kinda bizarre one.. a BIOS with a web browser built in ..
Manaz pointed out that FAT Computers (?) also have Supermicro cases in Oz.
The Microsoft case has gone directly to the US Supreme Court.. it'll still be years before anything actually happens.
Cole3D have a preview of DirectX 8.0 up.
ArsTechnica (seem to be down at the moment?) apparently have an article on the KLAT2 - I linked to this a while ago, it's an ultra-sexy Beowulf cluster using Athlons and some clever networking..
Interesting philosophy-of-overclocking article on FeedMag. Probably a Must Read for most of us.. :)
More in a bit..
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