OCAU News |
TechDungeon have an Upgrading to a Celly2 article up.
ExtremeOC have a C2-566 at 1148MHz.. not bad at all.
Hypothermia are giving away a Killer Gaming Rig.. doesn't say if it's open to international or not.
Cole3D have an article on transistors, what they are and what they do..
NetKills have a review of Return to Wolfenstein..
AthlonOC have a 3-way GFD Shootout happening.
Thunderbird and Duron action on TomsHardware. A very interesting read .. no multiplier locking on the Duron, kids!
Kinda interesting, a 4WD simulation game..
Dan has a great article on IDE RAID up.. a huge, quality read full of biting sarcasm as usual. :)
PC-Roddin' (hehe) have a review of a LinkWorld ATX Midtower case..
Making an alcohol still using a PC.. clever stuff. DON'T do this at home, kids, and definitely don't drink the alcohol you make.. get your temperatures wrong and you'll end up with methanol which will send you blind, crazy and dead in no time.
HardCoreWare have checked out the Elsa Gladiac, they try the new "leaked" 5.30 drivers on it..
FlyingSquid have reviewed the 3D Prophet II 64MB .. GeForce2 video card.
PCIndex have an Athlon 600 @ 800MHz..
UkGamer have reviewed the Afterburner GFD, this is the one with twiddly dials instead of dip-switches.
PCNewsCentre have a revew of the MSI BXMaster motherboard. We'll have a review of this mobo up soon, too.
TweakTown check out the Globalwin CAF-12, bigass slot cooler.
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