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Thursday Night
(link) Thursday, 29-June-2000 21:52:38 (GMT +10) - by Agg
Willamette is officially launched, of course now it's called the Pentium 4. To any Intel employees reading this page, I've set aside a little space on my workbench for a long-term review unit with motherboard. Just so you know.. there's no issue with space or anything. Plenty of room, in fact. Alrighty then.
Jim Baker has put the pricing for the group purchase of Corsair PC133 CAS2 RAM into the forum thread .. if you haven't seen the Sandra memory benchmark I put up, go check it out!
The new CardCooler is a freakin' monster of a thing. TweakTown have a pic and some info..
TechDungeon have an article on swapping out your power supply..
PCExtremes have a review of the ASUS AGP-6800 Deluxe up. This is a GeForce DDR card with lotsa features..
Oracle admitted to hiring investigators to check up on Microsoft's apparent attempts to disrupt the anti-trust trial. Microsoft, unsurprisingly, are really pissed off about it.
You can download the beta of DirectX 8 now.. dunno if that's officially sanctioned, might get rudely yanked soon.
Tweaktown have their impressions of DirectX 8 up, in case you're wondering before you download.
TweakTown also have some info on Seti@Home.. remember we have our own team here..
InsaneHardware have more info on VIA's chipset roadmap.. VIA are really having a run of it lately, well done to them..
Hmm, some BP6's have problems with constant lockups, related to the VTT, but there's a do-it-yourself fix here.. soldering required.
Classic TheOnion stuff here - Neuroses Projected on Dog.. :)
HardAvenue have reviewed the Diamond ViperII 32MB.. because they're using frames (evil!) I can't link directly to the article - click the "reviews" button and look for it on that page.
CPUReview have an article titled Stop Remarking and Unlock the Clock! .. a little history on remarking and why Intel locked the multiplier.
Pull up the comfy chair and the double expresso, ExtremeHardware have a 24-page review of the ASUS V6800 Deluxe .. they go off on all kinds of wild tangents including GTS2 comparos, game benchmarks, overclocking.. man, I need a drink.
Nice looking case reviewed on SysReview.com, the Addtronics 7896a..
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