Yes. I have nowhere to go on a Friday night. Leave me alone.
From Wokket: If you've ever typed in a web address incorrectly and still managed to get a webpage, albeit it one full of porn or warez or other stuff, then these laws are for you... India's taking a census of a slightly different nature... and something I need, how to create the perfect cup of coffee... play around with 3d renderings of USAF warplanes... and some really low quality flash volleyball.
Sick of not knowing what your pet rat is thinking? (Hint: cheese and pestilence) Some brainy scientists can help... and to think that Microsoft said that Windows XP wouldn't be hacked. It's like slapping pirates with a gauntlet. Thanks to Funkdafied for both those.
A new version of ICQ has been released... ta KyocEr@~*.
For the case modder: why use paint when you can use vinyl sheeting? Be sure to enter some photos into the Overclockers Australia PCDB or your vinyl work. No catsuit photos please. (talk to me later, behind that tree)