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OCAU's Iron Photographer Challenge! (0 Comments) (link)
 Thursday, 14-October-2004  00:30:16 (GMT +10) - by Sciby

As some of you (but not all of you) may know, every month, we run a challenge in the Photography forum, known far and wide as the OCAU Iron Photographer Challenge!

Once a month, a theme and a due date are announced, photographers run away and take photos fitting in with that theme, which they then post one as their entry.. Voted on by forum members, the winner gets the honour of joining the ranks of Iron Photographers...

Yes, fine, so it's a somewhat dubious honour, but the challenge is about giving aspiring photographers a goal with which to go out and hone their shutterbug skills and hopefully gain some peer-awarded fame.

In the 9 or so months the challenges have been running, the quality of entries has gone from strength to strength, presenting photos that I'm sure professionals would be proud of.

If you've never heard of it, or you've heard of it, but been too afraid to enter, now's your chance: the October theme has been announced and the clock is ticking. The theme is somewhat straightforward so everyone is able to have a go and no, you don't have to have an incredibly expensive camera. Even a camera in a mobile phone is fine, as long as you're willing to give it a shot and increase your photographic skills.

Go on, click here. Join in, you know you want to! Iron Photographer October challenge awaits!

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