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Five Years Ago on OCAU
(link) Monday, 25-October-2004 16:02:50 (GMT +10) - by Agg
A bit more historical catch-up...
On the first of Sept 1999, everyone was talking about NVIDIA's NV10, aka GeForce 256, which took over from TNT2 in the battle with 3dfx's VooDoo 2. Just in time, because on the 23rd, Microsoft's DirectX 7 came out. Most enthusiasts were still playing with C366's and C400's. The C466 was available but was expensive and a poor overclocker. A few people had made the move to P3-450's and there were reports from overseas about (Slot A) Athlons, but not many in Australia.
September 1999 was a huge month for OCAU in terms of content, with some "classic" articles that I've converted to the new format:These may seem old hat now, but in Sept 1999 this was all very new stuff, with basically nothing elsewhere to refer to. Those three articles pretty much put OCAU on the international enthusiast map and received a huge response in terms of visitors and feedback. BTW, you might have noticed the nice blue background in some of the pictures in those articles. A few people asked what I used for a background back then - my closely guarded secret was a blue manila folder from work. :)
Watercooling was definitely an emerging theme: We also had our first case-modding article, some Case Painting with Frank. There was a picture on the newspage of me playing with different-speed CPUs on my BP6. That was when I first mentioned the Norse mythology naming scheme for my PC's, which continued on in OCAU's first few servers: Odin, Thor, and our little-used backup server Loki.
I've run out of time - there were a few more articles posted in September 1999, which I'll cover in the next update.
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