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Thursday Evening
(link) Thursday, 12-January-2006 18:40:55 (GMT +10) - by Agg
I found this cool zoomable picture of the Orion Nebula in my wanderings, thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope. Meanwhile a new galaxy has been spotted nearby. This galaxy is so big, we couldn't see it before.
Can't decide on your next mod? Maybe a 24-carat gold plated Lian Li will inspire you.
NordicHW have a Pentium Extreme Edition 955 overclocked to 6609MHz! Using liquid nitrogen, naturally.
From Sutto: Came across this and thought some people may be interested ;) The site trys to see what the lowest spec pc they can get XP running on, They end up getting it down to 20mb ram and 20mhz CPU clock (Albeit Very Slow)
ArsTechnica have posted their thoughts on the new Intel-based Apple Macs.
From Alex: I was checking to see the status of that awsome optimus keyboard and from what I can tell on there website it should be available sometime in febuary. Thought it might be interesting news.
JAB spotted this 39 million pixel digicam from Hasselblad. Meanwhile Nikon are exiting the 35mm film camera market.
HWSecrets have spec sheets for all A64's and all Opterons if you want to compare the various models.
BFR have info on the NextGen home from CES, while SFF mini-PC's were the focus at SFFTech.
From usbmausii: The $119.95 iBuzz is a new adult toy that hooks up directly to any MP3 music player and synchronises its vibrations to the beat and volume of the music.
PenStarSys have an editorial about the various goings-on of the last week or so. FX-60, Intel and Apple, etc.
EPIACenter have details and pics of some upcoming mini-motherboards from VIA.
From BurningFeetMan: We all played with lego. We all loved lego. Now we can all play with and love lego again. Awesome little proggy!!!
RBMods have a Star Wars case mod, which is basically just a case with some logos on it, as far as I can see, buried in all the ads on those pages. Bah, that's not a Star Wars case mod.. now THIS is a Star Wars case mod. :)
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