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Digit-Life have a 2005 summary of storage technology. 2005 went out with all the five major manufacturers of 3.5" ATA-drives having finally switched from 80-GB platters to those of a higher capacity.
GamePC (who seem to have become a PC vendor, hmm) have an article about WD's new Raptor in RAID 0. Reports around the web have already shown that this new Raptor is a speed demon - however, we wanted to take it one step further.
TGDaily comments on AMD's upcoming M2 CPUs and 200GB laptop HDD's from Fujitsu.
HWSecrets have a guide to applying thermal paste and installing CPU coolers on a few different sockets.
HWZone have coverage of Macworld 2006, which will no doubt be of interest to people in our new Apple Forum.
The Stardust space capsule was successfully retrieved with its payload of comet dust. The canister entered Earth's atmosphere at a speed of 46.000 kilometers an hour, the fastest speed any human-made object has achieved entering the atmosphere.
Mozilla have released Thunderbird 1.5, the latest version of their free email client. The improved Thunderbird offers such new features as a built-in "phishing" detector and support for listening to podcasts. The program has also improved its spam and filtering control. mjcrow suggests installing into a new directory, or at least backing up first, to avoid unnecessary panic. :)
NGOHQ consider the Radeon X1800 very overclocker-friendly because the GPU/DDR voltages can be adjusted without modifying the hardware.
From m@: Running half-life2 on a Geforce 2 - it can be done - and it looks good! See here. Thread here.
Havic spotted a report on TGDaily about Intel dropping the Pentium brand and also an EXT2 installable filesystem for Windows. It installs a pure kernel mode file system driver Ext2fs.sys, which actually extends the Windows NT/2000/XP operating system to include the Ext2 file system.
Graham sent in some new tech concepts for 2006, according to PopularMechanics. This spring, Lexus models in Japan will be available with a camera mounted on the steering column that uses facial-recognition software to determine whether you're watching the road.
I think we've seen this before, but here's a PC to give you nightmares from sutto. When finished this case will be a tribute to Clive Barker's HellRaiser.
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