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Sunday Afternoon (4 Comments) (link)
 Sunday, 21-January-2007  15:21:49 (GMT +10) - by Rational

It is pretty damn hot here, great weather for a swim!

A version of Linux (uClinux) has been ported to the PSP. "So, what does it do? Well, at the moment it’s only capable of booting and mounting the file system. It does load an interactive shell but there isn’t much to toy with at the moment. It’s mainly a proof-of-concept providing a means for developers to write device drivers; in return, making it do more."

A forklift driver has totaled an $110,000 luxury car while trying to move it out of a construction zone. Discussion on this topic can be found in this thread. "Brad Harrison, a plumber who came out to get some tools, saw the whole thing. "He picked up the car with his forklift and then he turned while it was on, and suddenly the car rolled over and fell on its roof," he said with a laugh. "It was a large crunch. The car was rocking the whole time.""

This article looks at the interesting phenomena of megacryometeors. "Some scientists believe that there is a larger, more sinister type of ice-chunk precipitation which can form outside of storms, making even the largest hailstones look puny in comparison. There is a great deal of disagreement in the scientific community regarding the origin of these falling slabs of ice, but it is certain that something is causing massive frozen chunks to occasionally drop from seemingly empty skies. The objects are called megacryometeors."

As a continuation from the railgun link yesterday, here is a video somebody posted of a brutal coilgun in action shooting metal rods through objects.

This page takes a look at FPS games on the Wii and if it is a good idea or not. Personally I think it would be awesome but I haven't used a Wii yet. "But when it comes to genres, sub-genres, and gameplay styles that existed before Wii’s arrival, developers have to consider what will happen when they conform to motion controls. Thus far, most have found a way to produce innovation. In addition to the aforementioned titles, the Wii version of Madden 07 is unlike any other available. With Zelda, Nintendo didn’t change the game too drastically – they added to it."

Engadget has post early reports that Blu-Ray has been cracked. "It's still early on to tell whether this is actually true, but HD DVD cracker muslix64 is back, and with the help of another anti-DRM cracker, Janvitos, claims to have also broken the Blu-ray's implementation of AACS."

Yesterday I posted about a fish tank toilet. Eric has sent in this page with detailed pictures and videos.

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