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Thursday Afternoon News (4 Comments) (link)
 Thursday, 10-March-2011  15:44:36 (GMT +10) - by DiGiTaL MoNkEY

The ASIO have finally stepped into the 21st century creating a cyber espionage unit. The intelligence unit has been set up to monitor espionage attempts against Australian national security interests, and will release alerts to agencies and critical infrastructure owners in a manner similar to the tacit role of the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Australia.

NASA's space shuttle Discovery has landed safely at Kennedy Space Center, completing its final mission. The shuttle touched down at 11:57:17am Eastern time after a 5.3-million mile mission. Wheel-stop occurred 12 days, 19 hours, 4 minutes, and 50 seconds after launch. In total, Discovery has had 27 years of service and traveled 148 million miles.

Apple's iOS 4.3 software update is now available to download. Apple's iPad 2 is coming, and that means iOS 4.3 is coming. Oh, wait. It's here already! Consider it an early gift from Apple, but those with iPhone 4s and newer iPod touch devices (as well as the first iPad) can now download iOS 4.3, the company's latest version of the highly popular iOS mobile operating system.

Mozilla after much delay released its first Firefox 4 release candidate. After eight months of beta testing on the latest version of its open source browser. The RC is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac in 79 different languages. You can download it here. If you're already testing the beta, you'll be automatically updated.

Meanwhile, Microsoft confirmed today that the full and final build of Internet Explorer 9 will be rolled out at the start of next week, on Monday March 14th. Among the new features in IE9 is a refreshed look with the browser taking up less space than previous versions of IE, as well as a way to pin sites to the Windows task bar. Sites can then program their pages to act more like desktop applications with things like notifications, and the Windows 7 Jump List feature.

NVIDIA's answer to the AMD's HD 6990 named the GeForce GTX 590 is due to launch March 22. Latest reports suggest that NVIDIA has chosen March 22 as the launch day of GeForce GTX 590. Incidentally, that is also the launch date of EA/Crytek's much-hyped, initially DirectX 9 action/shooter game, Crysis 2. GeForce GTX 590 uses two GF110, though the shader configuration and clock speeds are not known.

Logitech have finally replaced the ever-popular Logitech Z-5500's. It's not often we see a single product grace these pages and then remain "current" for half a dozen years, but the successor to Logitech's heralded Z-5500 speaker set is just now touching down. Logi's Surround Sound Speakers Z906 offer 5.1 channels of oomph, a 500-watt (RMS) amplifier, digital / analog inputs, yet another remote to add to your collection and a dedicated control console.

InsideHW compared ASUS' E35 M1-M PRO Fusion and GIGABYTE's GA-D525TUD Atom all-in-one motherboards. The hotly anticipated AMD Fusion, the first in the line of entirely integrated solutions, has finally reached us, in the form of ASUS E35 M1-M PRO model, carrying the currently strongest Zacate APU. So let's see what each integrated solutions has to offer!

Xbit Labs round-up a massive list of 26 popular thermal interface compounds. Our first massive roundup is going to talk about 26 different thermal grease choices that can be purchased individually, without the cooler itself. We are going to find out which ones rock and which ones fail.

For those of you that haven't seen it yet, here's that jaw-dropping Unreal Engine 3: Samaritan demo was shown at GDC 2011.

Today's flash based timewaster is Fragger: Lost City.

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