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Sunday Night (15 Comments) (link)
 Sunday, 13-March-2011  21:26:19 (GMT +10) - by Agg

There's a lot of buzz about the Trans Pacific Partnership, which people are calling the Son of ACTA. The US government, still trying to secure final passage for the drafted-in-secret Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), has already turned its attention to a new multilateral trade agreement that will bring the wonders of the DMCA to countries like Australia, Brunei, Chile, Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam. More here.

John Carmack may be reconsidering his long-standing loyalty to OpenGL, now saying DirectX is better. 'It is really just inertia that keeps us on OpenGL at this point,' Carmack told us. He also explained that the developer has no plans to move over to Direct3D, despite its advantages.

I thought Google had already tested this feature, but when I tried to use it recently it was missing. Anyway, they're NOW saying you can hide sites from search results, so maybe I just dreamt it the first time around. Perhaps the result just wasn’t quite right, but sometimes you may dislike the site in general, whether it’s offensive, pornographic or of generally low quality. For times like these, you’ll start seeing a new option to block particular domains from your future search results. Now when you click a result and then return to Google, you’ll find a new link next to “Cached” that reads “Block all example.com results.” Finally we can kill all those content-free directory type sites that clog all the results pages.

If you're an Internet Explorer user, you might want to fix a browser hole that is apparently being actively exploited, thanks mpot. For now, we recommend concerned users and corporations seriously consider deploying Microsoft’s temporary Fixit to block this attack until an official patch is available.

YouTube say they're now showing the first feature-length Hollywood film created for the Internet. You can view it here, although it looks like it might be a bit NSFW. "Girl Walks Into A Bar" is a comedy starring Carla Gugino, Zachary Quinto, Rosario Dawson, Danny DeVito, Josh Hartnett and Emmanuelle Chriqui, YouTube's entertainment marketing manager Nate Weinstein said in a blog post.

Today's timewaster is Rolling Tyres from GoofyHSK. The trick is to click the brown boxes, if (like me) you couldn't work it out at first!

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