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Early Thursday Morning
(link) Thursday, 17-March-2011 00:47:37 (GMT +10) - by Sciby
Some more news to tuck you into beddybyes...
There's a lot of things in the technology world that polarise people: ATi vs nVidia, Windows vs Linux, AMD vs Intel - and web browsers seem to be something that people get really passionate about. I'm a Firefox man myself, but there's plenty of people who won't touch anything but Chrome, Opera, or or Safari (*snigger*) or even the old "it's already installed" browser, IE. Now Microsoft have released a new version, and TechReviewSource have taken a long, hard look at IE9. Unfortunately, it only works on Windows Vista and 7, so since I'm currently on a Mac, looks like I'm sticking with Firefox for now. That's right, a Mac! Hah!
In recent months, Nokia has realised that it can't keep up with the twin mobile phone juggernauts of Apple's iOS and Google's Android platforms, and have thrown in their lot with Microsoft as the operating system for their future phone models. Inside Hardware have an interesting look at how Nokia are dealing with these new threats, their new CEO, their new agreement with Microsoft and how they're not actually doing as badly as everyone thought...
And on the other side of the room, we have that archetypal 'vaporware' game that isn't so vapor anymore - Duke Nukem Forever, and Hot Hardware have posted some leaked in-game footage. Doesn't look bad to me, but then I personally don't think the graphics are what will set this game apart - the story, the humour and the execution have to really deliver or it's dead in the water.
Whilst we're still at the gaming table, Ars Technica have reported on CCP having arranged for players of their MMO, EVE Online, to use their already-interesting subscription system to make donations towards Japan's relief and recovery efforts: In a move sanctioned and partially organized by CCP, the game's publisher, players can convert PLEX, an item that represents 30 days of game time, into cash to donate to Japan.
Q2_stefan has sent in word that if you use Amazon Web Services, they've just released Windows Server 2008 R2 based EC2 instances as well as MS SQL Server 2008 R2, if you're into that sort of thing. "Amazon EC2 running Microsoft Windows Server® (available in 2003 R2, 2008 or 2008 R2 editions) is a fast and dependable environment for deploying applications using the Microsoft Web Platform, including ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight™, and Internet Information Server (IIS). Amazon EC2 enables you to run any compatible Windows-based solution on AWS’ high-performance, reliable, cost-effective, cloud computing platform."
Onto some good old fashioned hardcore video card grunt: Tom's Hardware has compared triple-GPU scaling, setting a trio of AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB cards set in Crossfire mode, against triple nVidia's GeForce GTX 570 1280 MB running in SLI mode. (Note how I skillfully avoided all threesome jokes.)
Finally, from the "What POSSIBLE use could this have" File, we have the EaTheremin eating utensils: Here's how it works: touching the EaTheremin fork to the moist mastication factory of a human completes the electrical circuit to emit "music." The sound varies based upon the quality of the connection (the wetter the better) and resistance of the food. No. Just... no.
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