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Interesting Forum Threads (0 Comments) (link)
 Friday, 18-March-2011  12:22:16 (GMT +10) - by Sciby

As always, here's a snapshot of what's going on in some of the forums. You can also find new interesting things you might have missed via the Who's Online page, the New Posts page and the Live forum view. Also try the Today's Posts link (find it on the Quick Links menu) and the handy Who Quoted Me? feature.

Pure sexyness in Overclocking and Hardware.
Why the Internet is going to remain a virus and trojan infested wasteland in Networking, Telephony and Internet.
Should Australia investigate Nuclear energy? in Politics & Policies.
Japan Earthquake (Nuclear Accident) in Current Events.
Cameras ARE just revenue raisers in Motoring.
Ever accidentally downgraded your vehicle? in Motoring.
Nissan Skyline is coming back to Aus in Motoring.
BMW testing a Ute in Motoring.
Disaster kit/prep in The Pub.
Best [Object] Ever Made in its Time in The Pub.
Bullying and Retaliation...opinons! Awesome video and candy inside in The Pub.
Moonageddon: on March 19, our nearest neighbour will be at it closest since 1993. in The Pub.
How many years do you give our civilisation? in Science.
Gimme food to try in the US in Geek Food.
Using a phone overseas? in Mobile Phones.
Earthquakes and the Moon in Science.
Arduino for car monitoring in Electronics.
Looking at solar panels for our house in Lifestyle.
Newbie home loan question in Career, Education & Finance.

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