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Team 24 Folding@Home April Challenge!
(link) Wednesday, 23-March-2011 12:39:58 (GMT +10) - by Sciby
There's a good chance that if you're a regular visitor to OCAU, you're aware of our ever-popular Folding@Home team - Team 24. The team's output is nice and strong, but for April, they're hoping to do something special... so they've organised a couple of challenges... with prizes! (including a very nice nVidiaGTX460 1GB video card):

"We're on a roll... Three in a row ! March is already looking promising with an impressive output of around 2 Million PPD. Can we raise the bar again? Register for Aprils' Challenge and a chance to win!
For the new people entering Team 24 i will link to some threads on the "EASY WAY TO START FOLDING" & where to keep track of your progress. In the meantime if theres any thing your not sure about have a look around the Team OCAU - Distributed Computing forum for answers OR post a question - someone will be happy to help out"
Read this thread for more information and make sure you read the Rules and Regulations.
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