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We've waited over a decade for Duke Nukem Forever and less than two months away from it's release, it's been delayed - albeit via an amusing 'announcement' video. As you saw in the video, it's delayed until the 14th of June but that's really all they've said about it. There doesn't seem to be any further information on their site, although there's a huge thread at Gearbox Software's forums.
The Apple iPad 2 has been released in Australia, amidst claims from the US that the new version of the tablet has light leaking problems. There's also a few other complaints about Apple's new baby, but if you're still keen on getting one, Gizmodo has discovered that you can buy one slightly cheaper at Big W (if they still have any in stock) Finally, Lifehacker has a complete iPad 2 launch day guide. Here's my launch-day guide: wait a month. :)
Even though Libya has turned into a full-on warzone with NATO forces attacking the armed forces, it seems that some people in the US Air Force are trying to keep a sense of humour by giving the callsign "Sheen" to one of their psy-ops planes, along with the callsigns to two survelliance aircraft seemingly inspired by Battlestar Galactica: "Charlie Sheen isn’t an F-18, but he is an EC-130 cargo plane specially configured for psy-ops. Some EC-130 flights over Libya have been going by the call-sign 'SHEEN' – as in, “SHEEN 53, what’s your altitude?” Other flights are 'CYLONs'." Makes sense to me!
While we're in the Middle East, Agg mailed in a link to this interesting and interactive timeline of the recent uprisings across various countries in that area of the world. Interesting enough, Israel, Kuwait and the UAE haven't got any markers in their rows.
Continuing on the theme of oppression, the Federal Government has instigated a full review of the current classification system in Australia. "What follows is the full release from both Robert McClelland, the Attorney-General and Brendan O'Connor, Minister for Home Affairs and Justice. The announcement appears comprehensive and coming from a unified front of both the AG and Home Affairs minister means that it carries serious weight. No specific mention is made of the Classification Board. The issue is important as it is the basis of Labor's proposed internet filter and also affects controversial games classification in Australia. It ends by setting a deadline for a full Australian Law Reform Commission report at the end of January next year. Links to download the original release and the Terms of Reference are included below." It's wordy, but it's worth a read as it'll affect all of us in one way or another. Thanks to King Krapp for the link.
Ars Technica have an interesting article about how sleepwalkers may be reliving the day's learning as they sleep. The embedded video shows a woman learning a process while awake, and then repeating it while asleep. "Much research supports this hypothesis, which in recent years has eroded the classical conviction that sleeping minds were, if not empty vessels, blank slates for undirected neurological activity. When tested on new facts, people remember them better after a good night’s sleep than a short break. Brain imaging shows similar patterns in their sleeping brains as when they are learning."
Finally, we have a bit of a weird, yet entertaining time waster for you: Bad Translator. Give it a seed phrase and it'll translate it back and forth from English to other languages, hopefully ending up with something amusing. It's kinda sad when it just ends up translating accurately though. Thanks to Sam for the link!
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