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Wednesday Afternoon (4 Comments) (link)
 Wednesday, 30-March-2011  17:15:08 (GMT +10) - by Agg

The Federal Government has managed to get two NBN bills through Parliament, after appeasing the rural independent MPs. It's promised to keep wholesale prices uniform whether customers live in the city or the bush and to analyse the impact to communities for any future policy change on technology. Discussion here.

NASA are hamming it up in space, with a tongue-in-cheek Robonaut 2 unboxing video. Flight Engineers Cady Coleman and Paolo Nespoli unpack the newest member of the Expedition 27 crew, Robonaut 2, the first humanoid robot in space. Oh sure, we laugh now, but one day they're going to need him to open the pod bay doors.

Suncorp have made the decision to let staff use their own PCs instead of having a standardised corporate fleet. The BYO (bring your own) device program at one of Australia's largest insurers means staff will be able to break free from the shackles of their company-issued PCs and plug in their personal laptops, tablets and smartphones into the enterprise network. Discussion here.

The Australian Classification Board have released their decision report on Duke Nukem Forever. Reading the report gives some spoilers of game details. Upon the successful completion of this level, Duke is given a "special" lap-dance by the stripper. The breast nude female is depicted in a first person perspective implicitly gyrating on Duke's lap. The Board notes a facility also exists for the player to "jiggle" the stripper's breasts during this scene.

Australia's Police forces are investigating virtual money laundering. NSW Detective Superintendent Commander Colin Dyson told iTnews at the Cards and Payments Australasia conference in Sydney today that cybercriminals were using virtual, gaming platforms to communicate and transfer funds around the globe. Dyson declined to name what virtual worlds were under investigation, noting only that they were a "growing area of interest" for State and Federal cybercrime-fighting teams.

The Judge presiding over the Limewire vs music industry case has called their damage estimates absurd. "As defendants note, plaintiffs are suggesting an award that is 'more money than the entire music recording industry has made since Edison's invention of the phonograph in 1877'," she wrote.

Meanwhile ArsTechnica report on an RIAA lobbyist becoming a federal judge who rules on file-sharing cases. Judges in Texas, West Virginia, and Illinois had all ruled recently that such lawsuits were defective in various ways, but Howell gave her cases the green light; attorneys could use the federal courts to sue thousands of people at once and then issue mass subpoenas to Internet providers.

Harvey Norman are launching an online store. "Harvey Norman has been the pace-setter for an awful long time," Mr Harvey said. "They're kicking us on the internet at the moment but there's no history of anyone making money on it."

Someone in IRC spotted this pancake picking robot which reminded me of an earlier video about a frozen pizza machine. This led to how frozen fish is made.. must be nearly dinner time..

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