Overclockers Australia Pix - HyRax Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop 24th October 2009 - ImageClick here for code to link this image!

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HyRax Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop 24th October 2009
Uploaded by: HyRax1 203 views

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- Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit
- NVidia 9800GT
- Dual Benq E2200HD screens (TwinView)
- Intel Q9450 CPU @ 3.2GHz
- 2TB software RAID5 (2x 1TB drives) using Ext4
- No-one's actually reading this bit, so I'll also add that my machine can also make coffee and crush ice as well as provide soothing massages and has excellent bedside manner. Occasionally it goes out Clubbing too. :)
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