Overclockers Australia Pix - Random ImageOverclockers Australia Pix - Typical example of MythTV network topology in a typical home environment. - ImageClick here for code to link this image!

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Typical example of MythTV network topology in a typical home environment.
Uploaded by: HyRax1 2875 views

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This image illustrates how MythTV can be setup in a typical home. You have a MythTV server (called the Backend) that has two or more tuners connected to it (either USB or PCI). The MythTV server is connected to the house LAN via ethernet. All other desktop PC's or laptops in the house are connected either via ethernet or via wireless. Each workstation has the MythTV Frontend installed in order to communicate with the MythTV Backend (server). This setup permits Brother and Sister to both watch channel Seven and Seven HD live, streaming from the MythTV server (because each TV tuner can record two channels from the same network at once) whilst Dad watches Channel 10 live in the lounge, streaming from the MythTV server's second tuner. Meantime, Mum's in the kitchen watching an ABC1 program that was recorded last night straight off the MythTV server's hard-drive (sorry if that sounds sexist). Those watching live TV can pause and rewind at anytime like any typical DVR. All workstations can schedule the MythTV server to record new programs automatically.
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