Windows7 Compatibility List
From OCAU Wiki
This page is here as a list of games that are compatible with Windows 7.
If a game is unknown for a certain architecture being lightgray for x86 or x64 it is presumed to be cross compatible between x86/x64 as Windows 7 is a major rewrite using Vista's code base which was coded nearly identical on both Platforms.
Feel free to edit this page and update the list as you please.
Try to keep your Drivers and DirectX install up to date as the latest Drivers and DirectX can sometimes fix some older compatibility problems.
Latest DirectX Distributable - Always up to date
Game List
Colour | Description |
Untested | |
Working | |
Mostly working | |
Lots of problems | |
Doesn't run |
Game | x86 | x64 | Game Explorer | Notes |
Alpha Protocol | Tested with 1.1 patch | |||
Assassin's Creed | Works fine in Dx9 and Dx10 modes. | |||
Battlefield 2 | Single player; works fine on both. Multiplayer x86: Some tweaking required to get punkbuster working. Multiplayer x64: Some tweaking required to get punkbuster working. All instances of exes (inc patches/updates) ran with admin privileges but unsure if this is required. Following steps fixed issues... |
Bioshock | ||||
Bully Scholarship Edition | Crashes with some none supported sound card stuff, yet my sound card can run GTA 4 just fine | |||
Burnout Paradise | ||||
Call of Duty 2 | Single player works fine on 64. Win7 x86 will not install. Install patch to 1.3. It generated an internal error initially then worked fine. Must be set to XP (SP2) compatibility mode. Will crash to a blank screen after all cut scenes and causes explorer.exe to idle at 56% CPU usage and Rundll at 44%. Use CTL-ALT-DEL to shutdown COD2 and restart the PC. Then restart game in safe mode as recommended by dialog box that appears, allow the cut scene to play out and play the next scene until it saves then revert to optimal settings. Game should be back to normal until next cut scene. May be best to run in DirectX7 mode at 640x480, cut scenes work then. |
Call of Duty 4 | Single player; works fine on both. Multiplayer x86: Some tweaking required to get punkbuster working. Restesting needed. |
Command and Conquer Generals / Zero Hour | ||||
Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars | Single player runs really well with occasional crash to desktop (XP used to do this as well). Will test on 64bit later. | |||
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 | ||||
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 Uprising | ||||
Company of Heroes | ||||
Counter Strike: Source | ||||
Crayon Physics Deluxe | ||||
Crysis | Plays fine on a build with ATI4850 in X-Fire, C2Q@3290Mhz. | |||
Crysis: Warhead | Works after a fashion on x86. Paused game often cause game to shift into windowed mode which alters resolution and mapping of menu buttons making impossible to reset settings without exit via Ctrl-Alt-Del. | |||
Crysis Wars | ||||
Dark Reign | Download Dark Reign patch v1.7 from here. There is a batch file inside which will close explorer temporarily and allow the game to launch. It helps if you enable compatibility on the .exe files for Win98 as well. People are still playing online during the week. | |||
Dark Reign 2 | You'll need to install it first on an XP system or virtual machine as there is an error when installing it on Windows 7. Once installed simply copy the installed folder & files onto your Windows 7 PC then run the game from dr2.exe. The WON servers no longer work but it plays fine over a LAN or if you use a VPN you can play with someone over the internet as well. | |||
Day of Defeat: Source | ||||
Demigod | ||||
Diablo 2 LOD | Running on both X32 X64 Win7 Use latest/current Diablo 2 patch. If stuttering video in Vista/Win 7 occurs, use 3dfx glide patch from | |||
Dolphin - Gamecube, Wii Emulator | ||||
Doom 3 | ||||
Dungeon Siege 2 | ||||
Empire: Total War | single player works, multi is untested | |||
Fallout 3 | Works fine on both versions. Tested on pc with E8600, 2GB ram, ATI2900xt, all at stock speeds. - Uncle laz. | |||
Farcry 2 | ||||
F.E.A.R. Gold | Must be installed manually by double clicking setup.exe | |||
F.E.A.R. Extraction Point | Must be installed manually by double clicking setup.exe. Does not support wide screen and has limited resolution choices. | |||
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate | Must be installed manually by double clicking setup.exe | |||
FEAR 2 | ||||
Final Fantasy XI | Works fine in both versions. | |||
Flatout 2 | ||||
Flight Simulator X | SP2 Patch - No problems so far. Performance OK, full quad core usage OK. | |||
Freedom Force | Needs the 1.3 Patch and also needs to be set to WinXP SP2 in compatibility mode. | |||
Freedom Force Vs the 3rd Reich | No problems | |||
Freelancer | ||||
Frontlines:Fuel of War | Update - 28/08/09 - Now fully working with PunkBuster | |||
Garry's Mod | Needed to set some parameters in steam to get it working. Not sure which but it was to set my DirectX hardware version to 8.1, without it the game had glitches on some maps(see through the ground) and the menu was sometimes missing the background. | |||
Gears of War | Download and install the latest title update from otherwise you will get an error message saying the game exe has been modified. | |||
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | ||||
Grand Theft Auto IV | ||||
Guild Wars | ||||
Half Life 2 | In my case, it runs much better on Win 7 then it was runnig on Win Vista | |||
Half Life 2:Episode 2 | ||||
halo (first) | if you have issues with the game in x64 .. update to the lastest patch 1.9 and it will fix the problem. | |||
Halo 2 | ||||
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 | Single player; works fine on both. Installed fine, apply EU patches 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 1.41; 1.5; 1.6 EU patch 1.6 removes the SECUROM protection from the game. Note: only the EU patch does this, all others (eg US) leave it on. Run from the desktop icon initially, it will indicate an error that d3dx9_25.dll is missing. Install DirectX 9c from the disk then attempt to start the game from the desktop again. This will fail but it will put the link into the games menu. After this, start only using the 'Games' menu and it will work fine. |
HOMM5: Hammers of Fate | Installed direct from the collectors edition disk. Strange that HOMM5 works from the game explorer yet the expansions do not. However, the game works fine and thats what counts. | |||
Hitman: Blood Money | ||||
Homeworld 2 | Works fine with very smooth gameplay. Update 21 Oct 2010: The game does work very well as long as you remain with version 1.0. Do not attempt to apply patch 1.1 as it stops the game from even starting up. | |||
Indigo Prophecy (aka Fahrenheit) | ||||
iRacing | ||||
Left for Dead | ||||
Left for Dead 2 | ||||
Live For Speed | 64bit also works with softth for triple monitors | |||
Lord of the Rings Online | ||||
Lost Planet : Extreme Conditions | had problems with mouse in setting screen, but fixed after installing xbox360 controller, mouse ok now. Softth works with dx9 version only. | |||
Mass Effect | ||||
Max Payne | Game needs to be patched with a sound mod because the game uses a sound format that Vista & 7 can't decode. Visit: to download the patch. | |||
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne | Downloaded from the US Steam Store and it works fine. Game plays best in 4:3 (video stretched when using a widescreen resolution). | |||
Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries | Do not install either the Clan or the Inner Sphere Mech pack as it will cause the game to not run at all. Will display a hardware error message. | |||
Medal of Honour - Airborne | 64Bit - If you have a version of AGEIA PhysX drivers newer than v7.07.09 installed, you will need to uninstall it to allow MOH-A to successfully install (This happens with other versions of windows as well). Latest PhysX drivers can then be reinstalled after the MOH-A install is complete. | |||
Metal Gear Solid | You need to download a Fixed EXE so that the game can properly detect your video hardware. Download can be done at Just search for Metal Gear Solid. And remember not to change any compability settings. Just leave it as it is. There might also be some Graphical errors at the beginning and in some cutscenes, but they will eventualy get away. If it wasn't for some cutscenes, i would give it a green tag, but i'll give it a yellow tag. Actually it depends on yourself, if this few grapical bugs are annoying you. They weren't in my case, but i didn't want to get flamed because of false tagging. | |||
Mini Ninjas | ||||
Mirror's Edge | Game will start to slideshow if you don't have PhysX so disable it in the game options. | |||
Morrowind + Tribunal + Bloodmoon | Use a updated binkw32.dll file from a recent game to get to work even still the bink video's show some corruption | |||
Need for Speed: Underground 2 | ||||
Operation Thunderstorm | Occasional stutters otherwise very playable. | |||
Panzer General 3D: Assault | Version 1 works as does the patch v1.01. x86 not tried yet, wait until I get a new CD reader. | |||
PCSX2 (PS2 Emulator) | Runs allot better than Vista | |||
Prey | Installed, patched to 1.04 and run with no problems at all. | |||
Prince of Persia (2008) | ||||
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time | ||||
Prince of Persia - Warrior Within | ||||
Project 64 v1.7 (N64 Emulator) | ||||
Quake 4 | Singleplayer & Multiplayer - Both ok except for PunkBuster enabled servers. NB Install manually by doublicking setup.exe. Also need patch to version 1.4.2 (latest) which will also remove securom. | |||
Quantum of Solace 007 | ||||
Race Driver GRID | ||||
Railway Tycoon III | From now optimised for Vista also works on Win7 x64. Only tested V1.0 as yet. | |||
RealFlight G4 Onwards | ||||
Resident Evil 5 | Win7 HP - 64bit experience stutters every couple of minutes on multiplayer SP is fine. Did not experience the issue on Vita 64bit SP and MP. | |||
rFactor | ||||
Richard Burns Rally | To get working in x64, after a lot of testing installed the game to the root of the hdd with no spaces (eg D:\RBR). Installed patch v1.1, then patch v1.2, then the RSBR2009 mod. To run the game you have to run RichardBurnsRally_SSE.exe directly, or it will sit at a black screen after the intro vids. Editing the ini allows widescreen resolutions, but the FOV hack does not work due to requiring a dx8 dll (just hangs if you manually install the dll). Have not managed to get proper force feedback working with G25 yet. | |||
Rogue Warrior | ||||
Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel | Installs & runs fine on build 7100 RC, Tested with patch 2.40 | |||
Saints Row 2 | Has flickering issues with ATI cards. Disable Catalyst A.I. to correct this. | |||
Serious Sam HD | ||||
Silent Hill Homecoming | ||||
Sniper Elite | ||||
Soldier of Fortune II: Gold Edition | ||||
Soldier of Fortune III: Payback | ||||
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky | Patch v1.5.09, Tested on 7100RC | |||
Starcraft & Broodwar | Install the game and run this reg key to fix the colour issues. Add the following to the registry (x64), if (x86) remove WOW6432 section (Win7 includes compatibility for patch 1.15, however patch 1.16 is the latest and removes SECUREROM from the game): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Starcraft116] "Flags"=hex:00,08,00,00 "Name"="Starcraft.exe" "ID"=hex:ca,89,65,49 |
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic | ||||
Star Wars: The force Unleased | ||||
Stubbs the Zombie | Crashes with the message Stubbs.exe as soon as it starts on some computers, can sometimes have an error that when you enter a building the screen switches from the game to the desktop really quickly and doesn't let have gameplay. The camera on 'stubbs' will continuly face you on some computers and can cause hard to play. | |||
SunAge | ||||
Supreme Commander | Tested on 7100RC, Build 7100 | |||
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance | Found no problems at all. | |||
Swat 4 | ||||
Team Fortress 2 | ||||
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion | no problems encountered on Win7 beta7000 [apart from occasional crash to desktop upon exit or spontaneous - happened in XP anyway] | |||
The Godfather : The Game | Runs Perfectly | |||
The Hunter | ||||
The Last Remnant | ||||
The Settlers 6: Rise of an Empire | Gold edition installs at version 1.6.4287 and includes the Eastern Realm expansion. I have installed both patchs 1.7 and 1.7.1 which remove copy protection and multiplayer cheats and it works well (remove both copies of s6patch.ini first). I have not tested the expansion yet. | |||
Thief: The Dark Project | ||||
Timeshift | It seems to nag me about incompatible drivers, but the game still plays fine. Steam version doesn't reflect the latest version. | |||
TOCA Race Driver 3 | Works Fine but a DirectX 9 dll file needs to be copied to the game directory for it to start. Download d3dx9_27.dll from | |||
Tom Clancy's HAWX | ||||
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell | Steam version: Gameplay is fine though pre-rendered videos have issues. | |||
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory | Steam version: works fine....thankfully without that shitty Starforce copy protection shit! | |||
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland | No problems at all. | |||
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 | ||||
Trackmania United Forever | ||||
Trials 2 | Single & Multi-player - No issues. | |||
Universal Combat | Sometimes crashes when selecting crew sub-menu from tactical computer, this is a game issue | |||
Unreal Tournament 3 | working with latest patch | |||
Vietcong 2 | ||||
Warcraft 3 | ||||
World In Conflict | ||||
World of Goo (Steam) | ||||
World Of Warcraft | needs to be manually set to use multiple cores on build 7068 |