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ToBiAs R33per

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Iron Folder Interview

What is your OCAU username & Folding name?

OCAU: ToBiAs_R33per F@H : ToBiAs_R33per

Im creative :D

What is the meaning or significance of your OCAU username, if any?

ummm originally came from when i used to play Hitman quite a bit, you will find thats his real name.

Which month and year did you win Iron Folder?

December 2012

How many F@H points do you have?

16,376,022 (at time of writing)

How many boxen do you have? Break this number down between borgs and your personal machines.

3 personal machines

When did you start folding for Team 24?

Twas a dark and storymy niight in August 2011

What is your average F@H points per month?

approx 4.2 million

Any other DC projects?

Does minecraft count? :P

How many boxen do you have running the following clients?

SMP client — 3 GPU client — 1

What operating system do you primarily use?

Linux Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64 on folders LinuxMint 11 x64 / Windaz 7 - Lappy




Sydney, NSW


Technical Specialist


hmmm lemme think..... Musician, Oh modding everything :D , electronics and things you know, android hacking and compiling

Are you married, single, etc?


Does your significant other, assuming you have one, support your F@H activities?

hahah if i had one im sure i would add it to the hobbies list and thus save it from certain doom of being killed off.

Congratulations on being chosen the Iron Folder for the month. How does it feel to be chosen by your peers for such a prestigious award?

It does make one feel like you are contributing to something that you can have recognition for. Most of these types of projects go behind the scenes and go unnoticed, its good that as a team we congratulate each other and have some healthy competition along the way :D

Why do you think you were chosen?

As far as i can tell, it was because i shot up so fast from nothing in such a small period of time, i made it my goal to try and fold as hard as possible on the least amount of hardware and think i surprised myself and others with the numbers i started pulling. and im sticking around ladies and gents and im gonna keep doing this cause running servers is such fun.

Why do you participate in Folding?

I think the possibility no matter how remote that you can make a contribution to science in a way that might one day help save lives is such a great thing in its own right. Years ago i used to think of it as a thing you did as a group to build numbers and beat each other, i never thought about what it meant to fold and what it might contribute too. Then i myself has some pretty serious illnesses, life threatening ones to boot. I lived obviously :S but i though about the science behind medicine that did save my life, and since i have always been into science and machine, i thought to myself “i have all this gear! lets not wast it on games and use it for something worth while”. So i started up the first of my BBA machines on what used to be my old gaming rig OC’d to 4.6Ghz on water. And the journey began, i started to slowly get more machines and hardware that wasn't being used for anything which in turn is now my nice little farm, and it will constantly grove and be improved :D . No matter what it costs me to run in the end id rather not wasn't the money i have on things i don't need and save a life or 2 along the way.

If Folding could find a cure for just one disease tomorrow, which one would it be and why?

Ironically its a protein that i have been working on for months it seems, Alzheimer's , i have seen first hand through various family member's what this does to the brain and the personality, id love to help with it

What would you like Team 24, to know about you, that might surprise them?

Where do you see your folding activities in the next year or two?

Either More machines or higher PPD from the most energy officiant machines i can, imagine i might even make a farm that can do 600k ppd on 5 boxes for under 1500kw a day, think about it i bet i can do it

Have you been successful borging? If so, what kind of borging worked for you? (For example, friends, family, and/or work?)

Not yet, but i want to and i think im gonna start of a few candidates :D

Any ideas on improving the DC subforum, or suggestions or improvements for our Team?

I think we need to get more people constantly folding and improve the team dramatically, if people really understood why people fold and what you can do to help i think this might improve the production and healthy competitions make it even more fun.

What challenges have you faced in your F@H efforts?

The whole thing is a challenege and a constant maintenance, much like any other type of server system, but the worst is heat and hardware failures. Heat was a big one, cause i used to have all the folding machines in my office, same place me and my housemate basically live in the wee hours, but it was great in winter, then i got hotter much much much hotter in fact the room was reaching 35c in some cases when the temp outside was 20c :D

Had quite a few HW failures and OCing tweaks to get these things running smoothly, and i dread the day i have yo do a major upgrade :S

but thats half the fun right?

How much do you spend on F@H? If you consider equipment, electricity, and other activities that support F@H... how much of your life has DC’ing consumed?

I dread to think how much i have actually spent on this project of mine, which will constantly grow it seems, but in the end its all worth it so im happy to sink some monies into it.

Do you have friends, family, or neighbors that know about your F@H activities? What do they think?

I admit that it is hard to hide such activities at least since i now have a rackmount in my backroom of the house and its always warm in there. There are mixed reviews of “what on earth are you doing in there?” and “your science is out of control again isnt it?”

All in all they think its rather awesome, even if they dont quite get it sometimes.

Do you game? If so, how long and what types do you prefer? Consoles or PC?

I do indeed, and i wish i had more time for it, im mainly a PC guy and always have been, but i am partial to the console, specifically the retro stuff and the oddball consoles. Have a few Japanese exclusive Gamecubes and NES consoles, love modding these things for normal use. I have an ambition for a epic Mame / gaming arcade box soon, might pop up on the forums when it gets started, after i turn my new server rack into a Tardis :D

Is there anything else you would like to add?

56224 + 24521

On behalf of Team 24, I thank you as well for your contributions to this team and I thank you for your time to talk about it. Keep on folding!

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