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Revision as of 02:04, 26 April 2007 by Deanodriver (Talk | contribs)


$350 AM2

Part Model Price Case
CPU AMD Sempron 3000+ 40
Foxconn TSAA805
Motherboard Gigabyte M61VME-S2 65
RAM 1GB Kingston DDR2-667 74
Hard Drive 80GB SATA HDD 55
Optical Drive 16x Pioneer DVR-111D 39
Graphics Card Onboard from motherboard -
Sound Card Onboard from motherboard -
Case Foxconn TSAA805 49
Power Supply Included with Case -
Cooling - -
Additional - -
Total Cost - 322 + Postage

Some people are on a limited budget, and want a nice basic desktop for Internet use and the like. This machine should be fine for basic tasks. This system, a cheap keyboard/mouse, a copy of Vista Basic or XP Home and a secondhand 17" CRT would provide a nice basic machine for just over $500.

$500 AM2

Part Model Price Case
CPU AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ EE 89
Foxconn TSAA805
Motherboard Asus M2NPV-MX 88
RAM 1GB Kingston DDR2-667 74
Hard Drive 250GB Samsung SP2504C 88
Optical Drive 16x Pioneer DVR-111D 39
Graphics Card Onboard from motherboard -
Sound Card Onboard from motherboard -
Case Foxconn TSAA805 49
Power Supply Included with Case -
Cooling - -
Additional - -
Total Cost - 427 + Postage

This is a fairly good base system. Whilst primarily a 'work machine', you could possibly do some light gaming due to the onboard GeForce 6150 on the M2NPV-MX . It also features 1GB of RAM which is sufficient to run just about anything except for intense games xD. The case isn't too bad, its cheap but not sore on the eyes. You can have a look at it by clicking on the link.

With the recent AMD price drops, it has become worthwhile to include a dual-core CPU in this system.

This machine is a good value system, although some people may wish to drop down to a Sempron CPU and get a better power supply.

$750 Core 2 Duo, Workstation

Part Model Price Case
CPU Core 2 Duo E4300 155
Foxconn TSAA805
Motherboard ASRock ConRoe945G-DVI 109
RAM 2GB A-DATA DDR2-667 150
Hard Drive 250GB Samsung SP2504C 88
Optical Drive 16x Pioneer DVR-111D 39
Graphics Card Onboard from motherboard -
Sound Card Onboard from motherboard -
Case Foxconn TSAA805 49
Power Supply 430W Coolermaster Extreme Power 48
Cooling - -
Additional - -
Total Cost - 638 + Postage

With a Core 2 Duo CPU and 2GB of RAM, this machine is a very quick workstation.

$1000 Core 2 Duo, Entry-Level CAD Machine

Part Model Price Case
CPU Core 2 Duo E4300 155
Foxconn TSAA805
Motherboard ASRock ConRoe945G-DVI 109
RAM 2GB A-DATA DDR2-667 150
Hard Drive 250GB Samsung SP2504C 88
Optical Drive 16x Pioneer DVR-111D 39
Graphics Card Quadro FX 350 275
Sound Card Onboard from motherboard -
Case Foxconn TSAA805 49
Power Supply 430W Coolermaster Extreme Power 48
Cooling - -
Additional - -
Total Cost - 909 + Postage

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