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Sunday Afternoon (10 Comments) (link)
 Sunday, 26-November-2006  17:53:50 (GMT +10) - by Rational

Bit-Tech has an article about the new Office 2007. ""Changing Office's layout is a big deal - it's like taking the desktop away from Windows. It's still the same system under the hood, but a huge part of how you used to use it is now gone. I think the best way to describe working with it is like learning a dance - you know that you can move your body, and that there is no reason it can't do that, but the attempt provides little more than a laugh for your friends as you fall on your face. It takes time, patience, and lots of practice to not look like a complete buffoon."

Here is a video showcasing the PSP's features added in the latest firmware. Here is another cool video of a remote control Jumbo Jet airliner, its massive for a model.

For users of Gmail you can improve the security of your session by logging into Gmail via SSL simply by going to "https://gmail.com" instead of "http://gmail.com".

Those of us who require use of a wheelchair may soon be able to go offroad. "It may look like some oversized BattleBot, but the Tank Chair is a rugged, off-road wheelchair that lets anybody with leg injuries "get back to nature." Each chair is custom built and can take on any type of terrain."

For people who are interested in upgrading to Vista, there is some good information here. "The consumer release of Microsoft's Windows Vista is just around the corner and WindowsAtoZ.com has a complete guide to upgrading a computer to Vista or buying a new computer pre-loaded with Vista. You'll want to take a look at this before you do anything."

APC Magazine has interviewed somebody from a new company legally offering movie downloads over the internet. "The concept is unique – purchasing a title from ReelTime gives the user access to three digital files. The first two are WMV – one for playback on a PC or laptop, and the other is suitable for playback on a Windows Plays4Sure-compatible portable device. The third file is used to burn the movie securely and legally to DVD (up to three times), which you then own."

A couple of timewasters today. One is an example of Conway's Game of Life which can be found here, a Sniper game here and from Jonanna: Slickball, a game where you navigate a ball around a map collecting jewels.

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