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Wednesday Afternoon (22 Comments) (link)
 Wednesday, 28-March-2007  20:30:43 (GMT +10) - by Rational

Hardcoreware have posted some info about power consumption of the PS3 during folding as the PS3 could turn out to be a good contender for folding farms as price decreases. We were the first to give the full scoop on power consumption in today’s consoles, so we broke out the trusty old watt meter to find out how much power is being sucked by the PS3 while folding. I had feared the worst, as the Cell processors must be working at their full potential doing these calculations.

If you have some old PC's you want to get rid of here are some other ways of disposing it safely. Computers are one of those things which have its novelty wear off pretty fast. I find myself upgrading several components of my system every year on a regular basis, in order to keep up with the technological evolution (though often it feels like a revolution rather than an evolution). Even then, every three years or so, I usually end up buying a completely new system. Upgrade is not always a viable solution. As your system grows old, most of its components are no longer compatible with the latest available on the market.

Matt sent in this about a phone with a built in projector. The projector contains three lasers, a DLP chip and a power supply and measures about 1.5 inches in length. With the projector, the cell phone can beam DVD-quality video onto a screen or a wall, thereby allowing it to serve as a video player or a television. By using the projector, the actual "screen" size can be much larger than what a person would get by using the LCD panel integrated into the phone. The chip inside the phone, in fact, could drive images for a widescreen television.

Jami noted some interesting results from when trying to search for an Espresso machine he accidentally mistyped it and went to this search. I went searching on google.com.au for an espresso machine. Unfortuantely I couldn't spell and typed in 'expresso machine'. Check it out. May not be work safe if your work url filtering picks up on words. :p

DigitalTrends has posted a interview with the gamer "Fatality". Professional gaming is something many guys and gals wielding an Xbox 360 controller or PC mouse can only dream about when Monday rolls around and they head off to their day jobs. For Johnathan Wendel, who goes by the gaming handle “Fatal1ty,” gaming is actually a full-time career.

It seems that drivers for ATI's X1950GT are not compatible with Vista even though the card is certified for Vista. Surprisingly, yes. One would have thought that Vista certification is at least as stringent as Windows XP, if not more stringent. But ATI has apparently managed to certify their graphics card without a working driver. That is probably an industry first.

Todays timewaster is Bloons where you need to pop as many balloons with the set number of darts. I got up to level 45 without unlimited darts so try to beat that :)

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