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Saturday Night (8 Comments) (link)
 Saturday, 31-October-2009  22:02:15 (GMT +10) - by Agg

From Dalien, about the OCAU Iron Trader competition: Congratulations to cyberalienz for picking the best performing stocks for October. A impressive 34% profit - well done! Congratulations to hobo-jo for being the closest predicting to where the ^AORD finished at the end of the month. These winners will have bragging rights and will also have the honour of the Iron Trader title under their username for the month. Do you think you have what it takes to become a Iron Trader? If so, join November's competition here. Give it a go, as you might surprise yourself, and the rest of us!

PCPerspective compared AMD and NVIDIA graphics performance in the Left 4 Dead 2 Demo. Our benchmarking was done on our current graphics test bed that includes an Intel Core i7-965 processor, ASUS P6T6 WS motherboard, 6GB of Corsair DDR3-1333 memory, 160GB Intel X25-M SSD, PC Power and Cooling 1200w power supply and the appropriate graphics card all running on Windows 7 x64 RTM. The NVIDIA 191.07 driver was used for all NVIDIA cards while for AMD we used the Catalyst 9.10 driver on the HD 5870 and HD 5850 cards and the Juniper beta driver on the HD 5770 and HD 5750 cards.

Paul spotted this Win 7 hotspot info. An unfinished project to fit Windows 7 with virtual Wi-Fi devices makes every laptop into a hotspot with the smallest of patches. The patch comes from Nomadio, who followed Microsoft's plans for virtual Wi-Fi support until Redmond dumped the project in 2006. Nomadio then noticed that most of the code is present in Windows 7, which can thus be turned into a Wi-Fi hotspot with the aid of a patch the company is handing out free for beta testing.

Deanzo has an article on Tweaktown covering AMD Athlon II X4 630 Extreme Overclocking with LN2. How far can I push it with only a 14 times multiplier to play with? How will the CPU and motherboard hold up to minus 180 degrees celcius? And of course, there’s the all important benchmark numbers.

There's two more episodes of Byteside up for viewing. Tech #4: Inside the nefarious world of cyber-crime, Byteside lays on an alarming reveal of the dark side of the internet. Guest panelists: Stilgherrian, stilgherrian.com; David Peterson, Trend Micro; David Hollingworth, Atomic; Stephen Fenech, The Daily Telegraph Games #4: Lifting the creaky lid on a classic genre, our panel exposes the dirty tricks game designers use to scare you witless. Guest panelists: Nic Healey, Official Xbox Magazine; Ben Leffler, Game Designer, Exmortis and 3rd Sense / Fizzy.com; Randolph Ramsay, Gamespot Australia; Daniel Wilks, Hyper.

I'm warning you in advance that the upcoming link contains partial nudity and is not safe for work. So, consider yourself warned! I'm not entirely sure because I don't read Russian, but it seems recently there was a battle at a gaming cafe where strippers were used to balance the odds a bit. As in, the better you were doing in the game, the more attention the strippers paid to you or your team, thus distracting and handicapping you. Or so it seems, anyway. Maybe two random girls just decided to even the odds for their favourite team. Did I mention NSFW and partial nudity? Yes? Well, here's the link, then. :)

Hrm, is that a knock at the door? Trick or treat? Release the hounds!

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All original content copyright James Rolfe. All rights reserved. No reproduction allowed without written permission.