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Dream Machine

Revision as of 04:38, 22 July 2007 by Deanodriver (Talk | contribs)


$2000 Core 2 Duo

Part Model Price Case
CPU Core 2 Duo E6750 238
Silverstone Temjin TJ04
Motherboard Gigabyte P35C-DS3R 198
RAM 2GB G.Skill F2-6400PHU2-2GBHZ 212
Hard Drive 500GB Samsung HD501LJ 139
Optical Drive 18x Pioneer DVR-212D SATA 46
Graphics Card 768MB nVidia GeForce 8800GTX 700
Sound Card Onboard from motherboard -
Case Silverstone Temjin TJ04 136
Power Supply Corsair HX-620 620W 168
Cooling Thermaltake BigTyp 120 61
Additional - -
Total Cost - 1898 + Postage

$2500 Intel

Part Model Price Case
CPU Core 2 Duo E6850 339
Antec P180
Motherboard Gigabyte P35C-DS3R 198
RAM 2GB G.Skill F2-6400PHU2-2GBHZ 212
Hard Drive 500GB Samsung HD501LJ 139
Optical Drive 18x Pioneer DVR-212D SATA 46
Graphics Card 768MB GeForce 8800 Ultra 870
Sound Card Onboard from motherboard -
Case Antec P180 167
Power Supply 700W OCZ GameXStream 194
Cooling Thermaltake BigTyp 120 61
Additional - -
Total Cost - 2226 + Postage

If you'd prefer a quad-core CPU, the Q6600 is about the same price.

$2750 Core 2 Quad

Part Model Price Case
CPU Core 2 Quad Q6600 336
Antec P180
Motherboard Gigabyte P35C-DS3R 198
RAM 2GB G.Skill F2-6400PHU2-2GBHZ 212
Hard Drive 500GB Samsung HD501LJ 139
Optical Drive 18x Pioneer DVR-212D SATA 46
Graphics Card 768MB GeForce 8800 Ultra 870
Sound Card Onboard from motherboard -
Case Antec P180 167
Power Supply 700W OCZ GameXStream 194
Cooling Thermaltake BigTyp 120 61
Additional - -
Total Cost - 2219 + Postage

$3500 Core 2 Quad

Part Model Price Case
CPU Core 2 Quad Q6600 679
Antec P180
Motherboard Gigabyte P35C-DS3R 199
RAM 2GB Corsair TwinX PC8500 DDR3 583
Hard Drive 1 150GB Western Digital Raptor X 298
Hard Drive 2 500GB Samsung HD501LJ 139
Optical Drive 18x Pioneer DVR-212D SATA 46
Graphics Card 768MB GeForce 8800 Ultra 870
Sound Card Onboard from motherboard -
Case Antec P180 167
Power Supply Thermaltake ToughPower W0131 - 850W 267
Cooling Thermaltake BigTyp 120 61
Additional - -
Total Cost - 3309 + Postage

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