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CeBIT Sydney 2004
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Date 19th May 2004
Author James "Agg" Rolfe
Vendor CeBIT Australia / Hannover Fairs

GlobalWin, Spire, Bitspower, PCRange, Billion, Altech

A couple of weeks ago, CeBIT came to Sydney once again. This is Sydney's major "PC Show" and, at the Darling Harbour Exhibition Centre, is in theory the place to go to see the latest and soon-to-be greatest in PC technology. As in 2001, 2002 and 2003, I wandered along to see what there was to interest PC hardware enthusiasts. The show occupied three halls of the exhibition centre this year, up from only two last year. This is a good sign, but the notable absence of Intel and AMD from the exhibitor list didn't bode well. Still, there were a few Australian vendors and some who had made the trip from Taiwan, showing off their latest goodies.

First to grab the eye was Com-Tek, showing off some GlobalWin products. This cooling manufacturer has been around for a long time now and are making their first forays into watercooling. The large round heatsink acts as a multi-channel waterfall, allowing them to combine an evaporative radiator, pump and reservoir. Possibly entertainment for your fish, too.

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They also had a watercooled SFF mini-PC, using their Silent Stream kit, complete with rear-mounted radiator:

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Spire were there too, showing off a few of their coolers. They have a new watercooling system:

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They claim this system is unique because it allows you to select the water temperature you'd like, and the system will work to maintain that temperature. The clear knob at the front allows you to keep an eye on water level in the external reservoir/pump/radiator box. The other two items in that picture are hard-drive coolers. The one at the back is a stapler. :)

They had a few other coolers on display also, including their "Rock" series and some low-profile units:

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BitsPower had a small booth with lots of glowing things to draw the eye:

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They also had a couple of tower coolers on display, similar to several that have cropped up over the last few months:

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Bitspower are brought into Australia by PC Range, who had a stand of their own. They had some networking gear on display, and some new PC toolkits:

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Another company PC Range is associated with, Billion, made the trip from Taiwan and had a stand also:

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Altech Computers had a very busy stand, showing off the various products and brands they distribute:

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I couldn't see anything obviously new on their stand and their staff were all quite busy, but I did spot this older ABIT video card which has a pretty cool heatsink on it:

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