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AMD AthlonXP 3200+ (Barton core, 400MHz FSB)
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Date 22nd May 2003
Author James "Agg" Rolfe
Manufacturer AMD
Vendor Plus Corporation

Overclocking, Pricing & Availability, Conclusions

Unfortunately, this section isn't particularly exciting. Through FSB or multiplier adjustment I couldn't get this CPU to complete 3DMark2003 at more than 2300MHz, only 100MHz above stock. I took the core voltage to 1.85v, which is as high as I'm willing to take an air-cooled AthlonXP (especially one I don't own.) With better cooling you could perhaps squeeze a bit more out of it, but this speed is well within the range that people are achieving with lower-spec Thoroughbred or Barton CPUs. In my 2600+ review I got that chip nearly 100MHz higher. However, this is very early in Barton's life and no doubt the headroom for this new core will expand over time.

Interestingly, at stock speed and voltage, both the XP2200+ and XP3200+ reported the same CPU temperature, 47C, to the BIOS after a period of sustained folding@home. They're both 1.65v stock core voltage and it doesn't seem that Barton brings any penalty in terms of heat with its higher speed.

Pricing and Availability
AMD have for a while now been criticised for their so-called "paper launches" with the AthlonXP range. Many times we've see an announcement of some new speed and a swathe of reviews but then it's months before we can actually purchase that product. In the case of the XP2600+ we reviewed, the product took many months to hit the retail stores in Australia and when it did it was a different product, with the then-new 333MHz FSB, not the 266MHz FSB of the sample we reviewed. However in this instance I think the launch is less paper-like. I received this sample not from AMD as part of some media package, but from Plus Corporation, a normal retail store. It was in a special AMD box though, not a full retail package. PlusCorp have the 3200+ listed on their website with a price, but stock is commented "1-2 days" and you can't actually select the item to order - it's "available soon". However, given that pricing and samples are floating around so freely I think this is much less of a paper launch than we've seen in the past and I would think they'd be available in a couple of weeks at most.

On the subject of pricing, I was surprised to see it listed at $895 when Intel's flagship 3.0GHz P4 is only $765. I don't think I can remember the last time that Intel were cheaper than AMD at the top end of the market. A new product always carries a price penalty and presumably the 3.2GHz P4, when it arrives, will be slightly more expensive than the 3200+ is priced at by then.

It's clear, in terms of overall speed, you're getting a lot of CPU for your money. Overclockers looking to hit the next level of performance will be dissapointed by this CPU because there doesn't seem to be any more headroom available to them than with lower-spec Thoroughbred or Barton chips. If you're looking for a socketA system to beat all others at default speed, then this CPU will certainly get you there. However, despite the changes to FSB speed and L2 cache that come with the new Barton core, this CPU continues the gradual progression of speed increases rather than being a significant jump ahead of its predecessors.

Thanks to Plus Corporation for the opportunity to review this CPU.


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