Socket370 Cooler Comparison |
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The "Alpha Killer" GlobalWins and a surprise entry..
Ultra-Cool UC-64HDFB Twin-Fan Cooler:

This new product looks like a socket-370 overclocker's dream! Twin 60mm fans on a very broad (but dissappointingly shallow) base. Each fan has a separate 3-wire connector for RPM monitoring. This is OK for single-cpu systems but if you had a dual system you would run out of fan headers.. also, it doesn't fit on the BP6, but fits fine on the MSI 6905 v1.1 slocket.
This unit ships with a strange rubbery thermal pad on it. Looks more to me like it would insulate than conduct heat.. I checked if there is a removable covering or anything - the whole pad is a strange pink rubbery substance. Odd indeed!
Globalwin FDP-32:
This is the "Alpha Killer" everyone's been talking about. The same fan as the CPM25603-32 but a HUGE aluminium heatsink. This monster is large - it does NOT fit on a BP6 - the base is too wide to fit between the capacitors. It fits ok on the MSI slocket, but on an Aopen AX6BC-Pro it blocks access to the first ram slot. It actually hits the edge of the slot-1 connector, too, so you have to wiggle it a bit to get the slocket in. On a tighter board like the MS61653 you could have real problems with access to RAM.

Last but most certainly not least, the Globalwin FEP-32:
This is a smaller version of the FDP-32 monster above. Looks like GlobalWin realised the FDP-32 is simply TOO big to fit on a lot of motherboards - the FEP is the same but is missing the outer pair of fins. Same fan as the FDP-32 and the CPM26503-32, of course. This unit fits on a BP6 - it's fiddly getting them on, but we've got 2 of them on our BP6 testbed right now. However, as it's still the same height as the FDP you will have problems in some slot-1 boards using a slocket. You may find it blocks 1 or more ram slots..
All original content copyright James Rolfe.
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